It's been a year since those symptoms

October 24. That was a Saturday in 2008. I got an ear infection on that Saturday.

I remember being sick, waking up and my ear exploded. Getting medicine, home from school for a week. What I don’t remember, but what I wish I do, is how things changed in those next few weeks. My body must have been completely hectic inside, but what I was worried about was a C on a math test or something small like that. What I imagine now is a scene from a movie- immune system fights pancreas and it’s all blood and gore. I know I have a weak immune system, but I just never thought it was that big of a deal.

November 10 was the first recorded date of a symptom. We were at a friend’s house and I remember going to the bathroom 3 or 4 times in two hours, drinking their pitcher of water alone.

From there on, I was tired. I was a wreck, really. You know the story, I don’t have to repeat it. I remember on one occasion close to my diagnosis, I got up for orchestra, but then I just sort of slumped on the kitchen table. Keeping my mouth shut was all I could do to keep my self from puking.

I looked up those symptoms, because I’m always curious. Because I was noticing the drinking the most, I searched “drinking a lot of water”. Diabetes insipidus, a somewhat rare disease popped up. I clicked it, and to me it sounded right. My mom looked at it, but she said that I was a healthy eater and I couldn’t have diabetes (diabetes insipidus has nothing to do with sugar). We were a classic stereotype. I didn’t know there was a type one and a type two.

I don’t have to repeat the diagnosis story, you know how it goes. I just have to think back and realize how many things can be happening that you don’t think to see. Both in your body, and around you. I take any chance to educate myself now, about things I don’t know. You don’t know how it will affect you in the future. I also think about how many small things I freak out about. They don’t even compare to something like this- which is smaller than many other things that could happen.

School this year is going great now, and I seem to have my pump figured out. Sitting in the hallway and testing has become a nice break from class, and the kids who see me everyday say hi, and some even ask about my number. They know what glucose tabs are, what a bad number is, why I leave. They can sing the pump alarm jingle.

November 14 is World Diabetes Day, and I’m gearing up! I’m going to talk to a 6th grade class during their small unit on Diabetes, and definitely wear blue!

Since last October, I’ve learned so many things. I can’t tell you half of everything I’ve learned. Not just about diabetes, but about life, people… It’s actually better rather than worse. I like my life with diabetes more than without. I like appreciating life, too.

Sloane, you are a marvelous ambassador for diabetes awareness. Have a very good WDD.

That’s awesome Sloane:) i feel the same way. I love doing presentation about diabetes. I used to work in the schools as a special ed teacher so i did alot of presentations and stuff. Now it’s my full time job doing presentations and talking to people in need of some advice. Your story made me think about when i was diagnosed or the events leading upto it rather. So much going on that you don’t realize that your body is so messed up.

Your story is awsome… Congrats on your first year living with type 1!

What a wonderful post Sloane! I’m so glad that school is going well this year and that you’ve managed this remarkably well. I’m certain that you will be an inspiration to the 6th grade class as you are an inspiration to all of us here.

To like diabetes because it makes you appreciate life is the most terrific thing that anyone could say about this disease. You’re the best!