It's time to get real, the coronavirus in Wuhan, China

I’m wondering when the supermarket wipes will get stolen so there aren’t any to use there. After what I read years ago what traces of things are found on carts I always wipe them down. I might be taking my travel hand sanitizer with me for that!!!

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Ask your supermarket to supply trolley wipes, ours do.

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They do supply wipes. They have them at every entrance. But the shelves have had no sanitizing wipes for sale for a while now.

While Amazon and ebay are trying to stop price gouging, you just can’t find/buy them easily. So I am thinking there is that segment of population that will probably steal them now faster than they can supply them, and then they will run out too. Hence I will probably want to bring my travel container with me.

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Some people are jerks. Some elderly guy went to Washington got sick when he was there and after he was sick for a couple of days flew back to Oahu. Then immediately he went to urgent care because he was so sick. It turns out he had corona virus. They managed to get a bunch of information, but he is so sick he’s not able to communicate anymore.

They are hoping the medical staff etc all followed protocols for when they come into contact with anyone that shows signs of a respiratory issue. But they aren’t sure. They also don’t know yet which flight he took back, so unknown who he had contact with on the plane, or who he had contact with in Washington and who he might have had contact with at the urgent care. So a whole bunch of people might be running around with the virus now and not know it.

These are the jerky things people do, and all it takes is one to infect a bunch. he probably wanted to come back home, but obviously wasn’t thinking about not making others sick.

Sorry, it’s a rant. But he probably made numerous people sick, who very well now will make others sick too before they even have a clue they came into contact with someone.


I saw some pretty heft prices on Wet-naps yesterday, at Amazon. Shame on those vendors.

I also Googled wet-naps and when I clicked on a photo/price at the top of the results page, Norton Antivirus popped up with a red full-page virus warning for the link that I was sent to. Scum-bags!

I’m waiting for some enterprising person to start selling “I SURVIVED CORONAVIRUS” Tee-shirts. I think they could sell 100’s of millions of them, given the number of people the shirts would apply to.

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Soooooo many people in our society go to work, school, travel while not feeling well. I mean hundreds or thousands of people are probably travelling in North America with colds or even the flu. It is just a normal thing to do, it seems. I really doubt this guy was going, “I think I’ve got the new coronavirus! I’m going to fly home so I can infect everyone on the plane!” He probably thought he had a cold until things got really bad. I think it will take a massive shift in people’s attitude, especially in the USA, before people start staying home when they are sick. People who are sick should stay home regardless of what they have: it would help the spread of colds and the flu, too. I’ve seen a trend the past few days of people actually staying home from work when they have colds. Maybe greater awareness and acceptance of that will be one long-term effect of this new coronavirus. I myself feel bad lately because I have seasonal and environmental allergies so pretty much always look like i have a cold even though I haven’t had one in two years.


I’ve always gotten irritated with people who show up for work coughing, sneezing, with a fever, only to infect others at work. I’d be the one who would stay home when it happens to me.

I also experience environmental allergies and often sneeze a few times in the morning mostly. Now during the heightened coronavirus social awareness, any public sneezing or coughing is looked on as suspicious.

Last week, as I was undressing at the gym locker-room I sneezed into my handkerchief and the man using the locker next to me immediately stepped away from me. I wanted to verbally reassure him that I had allergies but then thought this claim seemed like weak sauce, not very credible. I said nothing. I wrote it off as the cost of any social involvement in this hyper-aware pandemic environment. It further encourages me to minimize my time with other humans. This is unfortunate, but necessary.


I guess he didn’t realize that sneezing is not one of the symptoms.

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@Terry4, I’m continuing life as usual for now. I was just on a work trip last week (flying), am on public transit right now, and am headed to a conference. I feel bad about sniffling and coughing constantly, but pollen levels are at “very high” right now and I’m already taking medications. As with any other condition, I’m not changing activities just because of what people might think. If I actually get sick, then of course I’ll stay home.

I was just on a standing-room-only train and heard someone make the suggestion to start coughing to clear a path when getting off…

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I’d be interested to know if anyone is substituting the “elbow bump” for the handshake. I now use my elbow to press elevator buttons, something I need to do every day.

Good luck with staying well!

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So another case of a father and a daughter that had gone to Italy and were in quarantine. They broke the quarantine to go to a father daughter dance. But it’s okay because when they found out during the dance that their results were positive they then left the dance. WTF???

Unlike you Jen, I am more along the lines of most of these people know exactly what they are doing and just don’t care enough. It’s the all about me mentality. Can’t miss the dance, quarantine can’t mean we miss going to things.

One of the comments on the story was that was amusing but points very much at the issue. That the virus loved the meet and greeting of people and when they left stayed behind to continue to party.

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I am sorry, but a lot of people are just not very smart, and a lot people are quite selfish.


Also a matter of discipline. We may not like the discipline we saw people imposed on themselves as well as imposed by the government in the video provided by Terry but in a country of about 1.3 billion (4 times our population) so far it appears to be working. Out of 67 factories in China, 64 of our factories have now officially reopened as of Monday this week. The 3 remaining factories are in the worst affected areas and the government is reopening factories with 2,000+ employees first and then working their way down to small factories like ours so will still be a few weeks.

Measures taken by the Chinese may seem brutal by our standards, culture, and somewhat over the top but the virus there appears mostly under control. Will see what the next few weeks bring. The lackadaisical and selfish attitude on the part of a few US citizens will end up extending this virus for an unnecessarily long period of time with avoidable spread to many more people than should have been.


I think breaking a quarantine is completely different from travelling and not necessarily knowing you’re sick. I don’t know how rapid the onset of COVID-19 symptoms are, but the last time I had a fever (about 15 years ago), I went to school feeling totally fine in the morning and by the afternoon had a fever and was feeling awful. Ditto to colds where you feel fine one evening and then wake up with a sore throat and headache the next morning. If the symptoms of this new coronavirus are that quick, I can understand how someone may fly home feeling okay and then decide soon after getting home to go to a clinic.

No elbow-bumps, but also no shaking hands, as far as I can tell. I don’t tend to notice a lot of hand-shaking at conferences, only at more formal meetings. It’s also possible that there is more hand-shaking going on than I’m able to see, since I can’t really see it unless it’s within a couple metres of me.

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@Jen, good point. You don’t always know and can get sick pretty quickly. The Oahu guy supposedly knew he was sick and had symptoms before he got on the plane to go home though. Whether he had a clue it was corona virus I have no idea.

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I read this morning that Disneyland and Disney World are packed with tourists right now.



If everyone listened to the CDC we’d all first be going to our local stores to “stock up” and then go hide out in our homes for an unspecific period of time. How damn irresponsible can they be?? If it’s so dangerous to be around people, it seems counter-intuitive to tell people to go shopping. LOL! Not to mention there is no way one can stay at home indefinitely just because they went shopping and stocked up more than usual. It’s never enough and it is impractical as hell to expect everyone to just stay home for lord-knows-how long.

" CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season. This burden was similar to estimated burden during the 2012–2013 influenza season1."

I don’t recall the CDC telling us to stock up and hide during flu seasons…

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