JDRF Walk/Fundraiser

Hello! This year, I’ll be taking part in my 6th JDRF’s Walk to Cure Diabetes, along with one-half million other walkers across the country, as we try to reach our goal of raising $89 million.

Type 1, or juvenile diabetes, is a devastating disease that affects millions of people, a large and growing percentage of them children.

There is some good news, though. JDRF is our best hope for finding a cure. It funds more type 1 diabetes research than any other charity worldwide and it’s making progress along many promising paths toward better treatments and a cure.

Now, more than ever, you can make a crucial difference. Won’t you please give to JDRF as generously as possible? Together, we can make the cure a reality!


This fundraiser has been approved by DHF staff.

Good luck! I hope we can all contribute so JDRF can get to $89 million

Thank-You Michael I hope so too :slight_smile: