Job interview stress....worried about lows/highs

stress effects my blood sugar....i usually go low.

i have a job interview on monday and i am so stressed out already about maybe going low during it. but if i am hi i'm almost just as stupid acting.

i have only had one other job interview since i was diagnosed....i lived through it without going TOO low....i'm just so worried, its embarrassing. its so important that i get this job!

how do you all deal with this kind of crap?

I usually go high from stress and thus am usually high for job interviews. I usually cut back my insulin slightly to ensure that I’m on the high side, but not too high otherwise I’ll feel terrible. I also try and test twice before a job interview to figure out which direction my blood sugar may be heading (this is where something like a CGMS would come in handy!), and sometimes have a small snack beforehand if I’m worried. At least job interviews are usually not too long, so if you’re a bit high you can correct it as soon as the interview is over. Good luck!

I went on a couple job interviews a few months ago…and my first one was only a week after starting my pump!!! I was so nervous. But what I did, is that I made sure I ate a meal 2 hours before my interview arrival, and so it would be time to check as soon as I arrived at the place of my interview. Then, I would check my 2 hr post prandial and say I was at 120, I would eat like 5 g of carbs to play it safe before going in. I am best when I check my 2 hr number…I know where I’m headed then. Good luck!!

Good luck on your interview!

Stress sends me soaring. The opposite of what you experience.

I hear you on being embarrassed about lows. Feeling stupid is awful! Sometimes I can barely put a sentence together. Not what you want to happen during a job interview. Test & pop some fast acting glucose, if needed. I’d rather be a bit high than low in this situation & correct later.

I so feel for you! I just went thru this last week; my first interview in years, and the first one as a diabetic. I was really nervous that I would faint or barf on someone- but it all went well!

So I’m going to remind you of what you already know…
Diabetics are great at planning ahead, so you’ve got the skills to make for a successful day!
Here’s what worked for me:
If you have a choice- pick a time of day that will work best for your body schedule.
Get a good start to your day, eat a good breakfast, and take a little walk to shake off the nerves.
Print your resumes and put your clothes out the night before so you have nothing to stress about the day of.
Give yourself plenty of time to get there, get parked etc- avoid being rushed.
Plan to arrive 30 minutes ahead of time (not to the office, just the building lobby or just sit in your car) so you can relax, and make any necessary adjustments.
Keep some “cough drops" aka jelly beans handy in your pocket and just pass it off as a “dry throat” if you need to reach for them.
Lots of positive self talk!

I have been a corporate recruiter for many years- and have interviewed thousands of people over the years…I assure you- you have nothing to be nervous about, they are just people, and often they are nervous too! :slight_smile:
Relax, smile and be yourself. They WANT to hire you, they WANT to fill the position! Visualize them offering you the job. You are qualified, you are a perfect fit and they will love you!
Trust that this will work out exactly as it should! I’ll be thinking about you and will be rooting for you! Please write again and let us know how it all goes. GOOD LUCK!!

t1tambien…i’m taking you with me…lol

good tips all around. thank you all. i keep trying to remember that they chose my resume out of (i’m sure) hundreds. if i can just keep the blood sugar steady i think i’ll ace the interview.

i’ll let you know how it goes…

oh! another question…my medic alert bracelet. on or off?

Oh Goodluck Boedica and keep calm because diabetes is not all you are about and you have a control of it.
I know how you feel I would go hypo before an interview but always end up going early and stuffing myself before the interview ahhahah.
About the Medic alert bracelet if it was me I would keep it on do not think it would really make a lot of difference to you getting the job now would it.My God I feel liek its me going to the interview.

Good luck and keep in mind what T1Tambien sounds like great advice.


my previous job i didn’t tell them i was D and didn’t wear my bracelet. a few months into working there i was taken aside and told i SHOULD have let them know BEFORE i was hired…made me wonder if they would have hired me…hmmm

its a pretty bracelet…i’ll wear it.

FYI- legally an employer CANNOT ask you about your health during the interview process, nor do you have any obligation to disclose ANY health issue. Unless you’re interviewing to be an airline pilot -or some other of the very few jobs that require disclosure for public safety… it’s none of their damn bidness! The person who pulled you aside was not only wrong- but a real butt head.

oh yes…he was. i was wrongfully fired and collected unemployment for over a year due to his buttheadedness. he subsequently was demoted, and ultimately let go.

the good news is is that i’ve worked alongside the organization that i’m interviewing with on a volunteer basis, so they know my work in the community and my commitment to their work. and i have had pleasant interactions with the woman who is interviewing.

so, no blood sugar wackiness is all i need…lol

Interesting…most people go high with stress. Are you sure that you are going low? It could be anxiety which manifests itself very similar to lows. I suggest that you have a snack before the interview.

You could have sued the company for wrongful termination and discrimination.

yea, its a low. plummeting lows with stress…:frowning:

so, i was 114 before i walked in, ate 15 grams of carbs on my way in and was 63 when i left. i THINK i kept it together. i think…

should have eaten 30 grams.

i got unemployment. i live in an ‘at will’ employment state. they didn’t break the law. IF they had said it was my D i could have sued for discrimination…

I hope you get the job! :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’re totally ready. Before you go in, read T1Tambien’s fabulous reply one more time to bolster your confidence.