Just been prescribed Bydureon

Just been prescribed Bydureon today and would like to hear from others using this drug. What have been your experiences. Please share.

I didn't know what it was, so I went online and read about it. If I had to inject something, I think I'd rather deal with insulin. Bydureon sounds a little random to me, it makes your body produce insulin, but you don't know how much that's going to be. It sounds like what a sulfanylurea does, forces your body to produce insulin until your pancreas poops out. At least injecting insulin might give your pancreas a rest and make it last longer. I'm talking theory, not actually having had experience with any of these things. I'll be interested to read what people say about it.

Well, Bydureon is the new once a week injectable GLP-1 analog, a follow on to the successful once a day Victoza and before every meal Byetta. I didn't use Bydureon, but I did use Victoza and Byetta. They work by amplifying your insulin response when you eat. T2 is actually quite complicated and in many T2s, the signals that tell the pancreas to secrete insulin are messed up (above and beyond any beta cell loss).

So for most the major action is a better response to meals. There are secondary effects, less hunger and weight loss. Many people notice nausea when starting, but for most this goes away. For many, starting with a lower dose, getting adjusted and then working up helps.

I saw transient improvements with Byetta and Victoza. I had real observable improvements over the first couple weeks of use. After that, they appeared ineffective. I think part of my situation was that I was already eating low carb, so improvements in my meal response were minimal. I have heard of others having much more dramatic improvements.

I was pleased to see Bydureon added to my insurance formulary in 2013 as a preferred drug. As a branded drug, this drug would cost me $200/month on my insurance plan.

I was on Victoza for 2 years and switched to Bydueron 6 months ago. I like the once a week shot makes it better than once a day. My sugars are doing better on Bydueron than Victoza my A1c was 5.4. But the most important factor with Bydueron is how much better it controls my hunger. In the last 6 months my A1c dropped 1.5 points and my weight went down 23 pounds. I also dropped my Insulin and glimpride. I have only good thing to say about Bydueron . Will be happy to answer any questions you have.


Starting Bydureon this coming Thursday. I'm T2 and in the past I was able to control my BG with diet alone. For the past year, I've been mostly out of control and have gained back all of the weight I lost the year before. I finally was able to face my failure and went back to my ENDO. She recommended Bydureon because of it's potential to help control my weight, as well as my BG. I'm a bit nervous about starting it. I'm not afraid of needles, but I am terrified by any gastro effects. In my job, I don't have the freedom to run to the bathroom whenever I wish.

Hi Anita. I also have just been prescribed to Bydureon. I start my first dose on Thursday night. I'm off on Fridays so I figured I'd have the day to deal with any side effects before returning to work on Saturday. I'll gladly let you know about my experiences. Good luck!

Hi Bob,
Take heart, I have not had one single episode of nausea or other side effects yet (fingers crossed). I only have a problem with a drop of the drug coming back out of the hole it makes in my skin. I am afraid that I am not getting the whole dose. I called the company and they said not to worry about it.
I was very pleased that my insurance covers the drug like any other brand name drug, so the cost was $30 for a month's supply.
Whopping big size needle that comes with it. (in diameter, not length)
Please let me know how it works out for you.

Hi Anita. That’s really good news. Hope my experience will be similar. Have you seen any positive results?

Bob, If you are asking if I've lost weight, I have not but I just finished a vacation at Hilton Head, SC, so I ate more than I would have, or should have. I am certain that I gained weight this week.
I won't know about my A1C until my next appointment.
One thing I noticed is that I am less hungry. My problem is that I will eat even if I am not hungry. Bad habit I am working on.
But keep in mind that I have only been using Bydureon for a few weeks now. I am going to step up my exercise now because of the vacation. That should make a difference.

Sounds very promising. Fingers crossed for both of us.

Im on shot 5 of Bydureon and my sugars are dropping slightly. My weight is the same. I'm hoping that by week 8 as promised I will see an upside to using this drug. Fingers still crossed. Good luck to you all.

I asked my doctor to stop taking it after 2 weeks. Just made me feel ill. Didn't notice any drop in BG. Doc put me on Januvia. We'll see how that goes. Hope Bydureon works for you!

I don't feel ill...but its lacking the effect I was hoping so far. Ive started running and walking regimen as well. no tremendous effect.

I hope Januvia works for you! good luck.

Hi guys. I was on Bydureon for 2 months with no effects. My H1C actually went up. My doctor took me off and put me on Lantus, which is working great. I don't mind the shots at all, compared to the Bydureon injections. Anita

I know that this thread has not been active for awhile. But for anyone else seeking info on Bydureon, my experience might be of interest. At first, my BC's were high. Literature said it takes 2 weeks, but for me at about 6 weeks I'm starting to see results. A lot less nausea than Victoza or Byetta, both of which I stopped taking because of side effects. At first on Bydureon, I gained weight! Did not make me happy! but, it was because food was tasting delicious to me. I had not realized how much I had stopped enjoying eating. But now that I have settled in, I would say the appetite is back to more normal and I have lost a couple of pounds. And, the stomach is much better.

I have just been diagnosed as a diabetic not a good feeling when you are 28. But I took the metformin the doctor gave me and really started exercising and we got the numbers to go down a little but still stayed in the 200's. So I was started on Onglyza plus the metformin and that brought my numbers down to 170’s and 180’s but still not where they need to be even with diet and exercising. I went for a check –up and some test and turned out that my kidneys were off the charts. So I was started on Bydureon. I am so scared of needles but the nurse at my doctor’s office is very nice and she is giving the shot once a week. I am on my 5th week and my numbers have been GREAT!!!! I have notice a difference in my appetite, when I sit down to eat I can only eat a little but I do it multiple times a day. I have not been to a visit yet but I can tell that my pants are getting bigger. YAY!!! I still get nauseous but not as often, it is going away. I do have one spot on each arm where a little bump is but it is going away. I was really happy to see that other are on this on here as I am the 3rd person in my doctor’s office to be on this injection.

That is awesome! It would be useful for your doctor to figure out whether the Onglyza or metformin caused you problems. Metformin is such an effective and safe medication, it would be a shame to permanently exclude it's use if it isn't a problem.

Good for you Lisa! I am also taking metformin with my Bydureon. I hate having this disease! But I’m much older than you, so I am so sorry you have to deal with this at your young age. Sounds like you are doing all of the right things. I am exercising now after 5 years of not and trying to just do with diet and drugs. Exercise is amazing for its positive effect on blood glucose. Keep your chin up!


I have used Bydureon for almost two years. Lost 65 pounds but developing gastroparesis (nueropathy of stomach emptying)... Getting over chronic vomiting as have ommitted coffee, tomatoes, etc.... Not sure I recommend or not.