Just received a freestyle meter from insulet

Lora- I would try to use the strips you have with a control solution to see if your PDM gives you weird results. Seems like different people find different accuracy.

If you do not feel comfortable using those strips in your PDM I would suggest going to your endo's office (if you have one) and they can give you a regular Freestyle Lite meter that is approved for use with the type of strips you have.

My approved meter (FreeStyle Freedom) is about as bad as my PDM. I agree that the control solution assessment should be the first step.

I didn't get the "red note" per se but there was some type of literature that stated the new strips have not been approved. My pump trainer gave me some freestyle strips and they have worked great. My insurance company initially said no because the strips have not been approved but when I called back to change from contour strips to freestyle there was no problem ................*thinking* though I'm still waiting for them to come in the mail. They did say it could take 7-10 days though

My pump came last week with the meter & big red note (3 of them). Also got ano meter in the mail from Abbott w/the butterfly strips. Very confused. Meeting the educator next week for training and 'activation'. Will see what she says and try both strpis in the meter. May just keep using the OneTouch mini I currently use till they figure it out. She told me you just tell the PDM what your BS is so it includes it in your calculations. Sheesh.

I totally agree Gil. Omni-Pod should cut ties, and go in another direction.

I have done hundreds of comparison tests between the FreeStyle "butterfly" strips in the Omnipod, The FreeStyle "butterfly" strips in the "new" meter they sent me, OneTouch Ultra strips and the "old" FreeStyle strips in the OmniPod.

The "Old" freestyle strips and the OneTouch Ultra strips track fairly close to each other, and also closely match lab tests. I always test my sugar with my meters when the Dr draws my blood then compare the results when I get the lab tests back from the Dr. With the one touch, it has never been off by more than 9 points from the Lab.

In my opinion, based on my non scientific testing, the "butterfly" strips are not accurate in either the OmniPod or the "new" meter. They are on average 25 points low, but they are not consistent. They are just wrong. They don't even match each other (same strip lot in two different meters).

I use the Omnipod as a pump but I I take my readings with the OneTouch Ultra.

I was told by Omnipod when I first started looking into this that the "butterfly" strips use a different regent and will give a different result (which is supposed to still be within the 20% "acceptable" range). I don't know if the regent issue is true, and I don't know how they calculate the 20%. Maybe the OneTouch is 10 % high and the Butterfly is 20% low... Maybe it is that "new math" they teach the kids in school these days.

I filed a complaint with the FDA. The complaint got me a phone call from the FreeStyle people telling me that I could order the old strips for a limited time from one specific pharmacy that didn't take my insurance for about a dollar a strip and that I shouldn't use the new strips with the OmniPod because they weren't FDA approved for use with that device "yet". Oh, and they sent me a "new" meter that is still wrong, but not as wrong as the OmniPod with the same strips.

I get the OneTouch strips free from my insurance, and I got a OneTouch meter free from my doctor and a second backup meter free from the OneTouch people. So, I am testing with OneTouch until OmniPod gets this sorted out.

There are two freestyle strips lite and 'unlite'. Pharmacy had both on the shelf. Odd. Confusing.

There are two freestyle strips lite and 'unlite'. Pharmacy had both on the shelf. Odd. Confusing.

My son just received his first set of Pods & his new PDM. He also received a Abott test meter & several pieces of paper saying the strips were not approved with the PDM.. I tried the strips in the PDM and never could get it to "calibrate" with the solution. It always came back (after several tries) with a reading of 81.

I did too today!