Learned a Lesson, While in Hospital, Monitor Your own Diabetes!

A week ago today, I had my gallbladder removed. Fortunately, the surgeon was able to do it laprosc. so I only stayed overnight. Luckily, I brought my own meter (after reading previous discussions)because they only tested once in the morning I was leaving. That number was 160 and the nurse told me I must not have good control at home. I informed her that I had taken my sugars several times since surgery and they were around 100 each time. I informed her that maybe my fasting number was high because:

#1. I was in pain from the surgery and getting sick from the anastesia.
#2. I was on a liquid diet and they had nothing to offer that was not sugar free.
#3. I caved in and drank cranberry juice because I just could not drink any more water.
#4. I could not sleep due to many reasons including my poor roommate who kept thinking she was at a hotel and trying to order room service every hour.

Another lesson learned!

It’s better if you have someone visiting you on a regular basis. You do have to be your own advocate and keep on top of things and don’t be afraid to ask questions about procedures and medicines and your diet in the hospital. It helps keep you as safe as possible while in the hospital. Also, if you have a lousy roommate that is interfering with sleep, you need to make it clear to the powers that be that you need to be transfered to a different room.

Yes, I learned something similar in my hospital stays.

Hope that you have a speedy recovery!

Hospitals aren’t exactly the best places to get healthy. I learned that while having my second son. I had a c-sec and even though all went well, I got sick while I was there, not a good thing. It’s always best to be your own advocate, after all who cares more about you that you.

I call myself the Slice 'n Dice Queen from Ktel over the past 10 years (wish I could earn Frequent Flyer Miles like I do when I buy my drugs). I take care of myself. I’m lucky that I snap out of it right away after surgery - I amaze the nursing staff that I am so healthy looking and awake - mainly that’s 'cause I want to get the HELL out of the place.

Longest time I spent in a hospital was 3 long days. I almost wheeled myself out of the hospital with a couple of mates - but unfortunately - we went a wee bit too fast - and I sort of ripped my tubing in my body (got snagged on the wheel).

It’s sad to say that many of our hospitals don’t have enough nurses - and diabetes is still abit of a mystery to some of them. Why Madam are you injecting insulin - you aren’t eating??? Uhhhmmm, correcting my high BG. Explaining this in French is a challenge - but eventually they gave up on me to take care of others that needed it more then I did.

Anna the Lone Ranger off on her horse again … clippity clop clippity clop

I learned alot of what you wrote about during this experience. It’s the first time I’ve been in the hospital since I’ve been diagnosed so I definitely learned alot. Thanks for your comments.

Thanks for your good wishes and comments!

When I was “explaining” things to the nurse questioning my numbers, she looked a little surprised, so maybe something did register with her. So far so good with my recovery!


I also had 2 c-sections and with one of them developed a staph infection. It was not fun but there were many more nurses around then and I really had excellent care. I could definitely tell how short-handed the hospital was this time.


My longest stay was 5 days with each of my c-sections and could not wait to get out. This time even my surgeon told me that the healthiest option was getting out of the hospital as soon as possible. Hospitals today definately do not have enough nurses. Thanks for your comments!