Hi Everyone! I’m currently unemployed and short of seeing a doctor just for the A1C is there any other source of getting a cheap A1C?? How are the A1C kits? Are they accurate? Are there clinics one can go to for a cheap A1C? if so where’s a good source to find one in my area?
They sell kits that use dried whole blood to do the A1C test kit like this one from Walmart: Relion A1C test kit. It was listed as about $9.
I have tried it once. The informational instruction said it has an r squared value of 0.97-ish compared to lab A1Cs which equals very accurate. I was not that impressed, but that might be because the result was higher than I wanted.
not sure if you have an CVS near you, but they do sometimes offer a free diabetes checkup including A1C, some other good tests equal to a a cost of 79.00 are you ready for this? FREE…lookup the nearest one that has a “miniute clnic” call and see when they will be doing the next promotion…
on the other hand I have used many BAYER A1C home test and matched it with my primany care doctors version and .001 close, close enough for me… also I know wall mart has a real low cost version…better yet, there is a excel spreadsheet on the net, for your own a1c based on your daily meter readings…just enter the data and it will calculate the A1C…hope this helps…good luck.
I’ve been in the same position as you before and have used the Bayer A1c test kit. It is pretty accurate, and runs about $30 a kit, which includes two tests. After the cost of a doctors visit (even if you just had a co-pay) and the cost of the lab test, I’d say the Bayer A1C kit is much cheaper. It comes out to approx $15 per A1C test. And you get the results in 5 minutes. I think there are some cheaper ones out there, but I think you have to send them away to a lab and wait for the results. I could be mistaken about that, though.
with the relion test kit from walmart-- do they send you back an official looking lab report with the date and your name on it and everything? I've got some of their test kits-- need to have an official looking report though because I'll have to submit it to the USCG with my annual physical
Hi you might check with your local hospitals...our big hospital here is doing simple testing...things like CBC, cholesterol, thyroid, along with other simple tests and also doing Hgb A1c's too...each test is like 20 dollars and u do not need a dr's prescription. And the results come to the patient. It might be worth looking into, but also there as other have mentioned over the counter test kits that from what I hear are pretty accurate.