Bayer A1C Now - Is It Good To Have?

I am just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Bayer A1C Now meter. I like the idea of being able to check my A1C on my own without having to go to my doctor, but I'm wondering if this meter is as accurate? Is it not even worth getting because the readings my doctor give me are more accurate?

I’ve used it once. The result came back a little higher than I was expecting based on my averages and what I usually see at the doctors office… But it’s hard to say if that’s due to accuracy issues or if it just happened to be higher. It is much easier to use than the relion brand from Walmart and essentially instant but I wouldn’t have as much confidence in the results. I imagine its reasonably close though.

Thanks for the feedback Sam. I'll have to see if others have the same experience. I have a feeling that you just can't get same accuracy in results as you would from labs. But if it is relatively close then I'd be interested in it :)

I have been in a A1c study for over 5 years and the A1c Now test is just as accurate as the standard lab tests, I have used +10 of the A1c Now tests and they have been close to the lab tests never off by more than .10 - .20. My labs have been off by as much as .5 when retested using a different kind of test in the study.

John, this is great information! Thank you so much for letting me know! I'll have to talk with my Doc and start looking to see if my insurance will cover this product. Again, thanks for the information :)

I have found the Bayer test both reliable and easy to use. I believe it says in the attached brochure the accuracy level and if I remember correctly it is very lose to the lab tests. Periodically people on here say they don't trust these tests due to a number they got that seemed "off", but then that seems to happen with lab tests too! Perhaps someone will look it up and tell us the reliability level precisely (I would but I really don't need more excuses to avoid the class prep I should be doing right now!)

Earlier this month, I conducted the Bayer home test at night and had lab work done the following morning. The lab-based A1c was 1.0 lower than the home test results. This was, however, my first time using the kit, so I may have inadvertently done something wrong.

I personally love it simply for the peace of mind factor... Even if it turns out that it is a bit off in terms of accuracy (which it doesn't sound like from other comments), it at least helps me monitor whether or not I'm moving in the right direction in terms of control without having to wait for/schedule labs & doctor visits as frequently. I also agree with other posters that the ease of use is really nice. And, of course, I wouldn't substitute it for regular doc visits. More of a helpful supplement. :)

It's like everything else. It's great for trend analysis but that is just about all any of our testing is good for anyways (whether it is the lab variety, our meters, or the home A1C tests). Time and again we have all seen folks get stressed out over the numbers but the reality is the big "D" is a lifetime battle and the battle will be won by analyzing trends and not any one test result.

My personal experience with these has been that they tend to run just a tad bit higher than actual lab A1C tests. Knowing this makes the results useful enough.

I've had good results with the the Bayer test. Usually off of lab by no more than .2, but usually almost spot on. Nice to get that A1C result that's missed between doctor's visits :)