Letting Sensor "Warm-up?"


I’ve had my current sensor in for 14 days (14 days, tonight actually) and have gotten several short periods with ??? recently, so I think I am changing it tonight. When we first inserted the sensor I had 2 straight nights of ??? while the days were perfect and I’ve read that if you let the sensor “warm-up” for 12 hours or so before starting, that might help with the ???.

My question is, how exactly do you do this? I understand putting in the new sensor and not starting it for 12 hours, but do you do it at night? I'm thinking before bed putting it in then starting it in the morning. Even more important, what do you do with the transmitter? Do you leave it in the old sensor while still getting readings, or do you put it in the new sensor (but have no readings until it is activated?)

I remember when I called Dexcom to report a bad sensor and I had to fold that flap back to read the serial number and I wonder if that will be jiggled around (possible damaging the sensor) if the transmitter is not inserted. It seemed like the transmitter is what kept that small piece of plastic secure. I'm sure people have excellent experience out there and I'd love any help! Thanks!

I think you are correct with your assumption that the “warm up” is the 12 hours recommended before you actually "activate’ the sensor. That is just my opinion, any others who are better informed will give you better guidance! but, I just remember I called dEx once with the same question (why so nmany ???"s) and they gave me the same direction…just insert, then go to sleep when you wake, activate. (although, recently, here on TU, I read that that is NOT the best way to get started on a new sensor, as your circulation is not the best while sleeping). in any case, good luck, and PEACE

I’m still pretty new with using Dexcom, but isn’t there that little thingy that flops around a bit in the middle of the sensor, which the transmitter sort of secures down when you clip it in? I would be worried about that being knocked loose or pulled out or something.

Richard also has a thread going about a similar thing, which might be worth checking out. I think he just started it tonight, titled using two transmitters (I think that was it).