Living without type 1. so how does this work?


Doris, you’ve been dealing with diabetes for many years. You understand.

bsc, well said!

Its the newby T1’s and the parents of those that will find the cure, open your mind to possibility. Why are people on here so angry and cynical?

Yes I have and I have a Type 1 daughter too. Thank You BMD!

You said it GOOD bsc!!!

Wow! That created some opions, which is great! We can all be learning from each other constantly. Just to address a couple things. One, you are all right, this is not a cure, I used that term wrong. This is just a regiment to manage Diabetes without insulin. I don’t follow this regiment so I don’t know exactly what is entailed, but I know they don’t eat gluten (they use things like almond flour, millet and quinoa), no dairy, or sugar (they subsitute small amounts of stevia or agave nectar). Please note, no one ever said this is a low carb diet. There are many reasons why low carb, high protein diets aren’t good for a diabetic. Of course I believe in science and I know that Type 1 is developed as an autoimmune disorder, but thank goodness for all of us there are new developments everyday. I go to a lot of Diabetes conferences and almost every Type 1 I know is on a pump and CGM. These are very new developments! But please do not disregard food science as very important too. I would never tell a parent to take their child off insulin cold turkey, but for those that are interested, do some research and try these foods on your newly diagnosed child and see how there blood sugar reacts. If they require less insulin, isn’t that a step in the right direction? Also, I have no reason to push some sort of scheme. I’m just a woman with a lot of years of Type 1 who spends a lot of time helping other diabetics. I don’t even see how eating a certain way would make someone money. Kim was not trying to gain anything except another choice for families. Like mentioned, she is very on top of this and if her child needs insulin one day, of course she would take care of her. Maybe she is a pioneer…if her daughter never needs insulin again we will have one successful case study. For those new to the world of Diabetes, be cautious of those on here that are so hostile. I’m a little surpised because as a person who has heard everything in the book about Diabetes, I have learned to deal with people with great understanding. Stress can raise your blood sugar so just calm down :slight_smile: You will hear a lot of new information and many people don’t know what they are talking about (including doctors) and even more people are close minded, but being mentored by someone with a lot of personal experience in the disease is invaluable. No endocrin can tell your exactly what your insulin ratios are, you will become the masters of your own disease. Everyone stay strong and remember you can live a really wonderful life with Diabetes whetheryou control with food or insulin, though it’s a daily challenge. But don’t stop researching! Believe me, I have known families who are a part of JDRF that have taken interest to this new topic and most people are incredibely grateful to be exposed to new ideas.

NO, kenx, you still don’t get it. To whom did I respond in MY initial post? However, it’s pointless for us to continue arguing here. Let’s just agree to disagree. Have a nice day.

I don’t think of myself as closed minded. I’m willing for anything to help all us out there. I just want to see that ppl are going to keep a check on their bs’s and keep the insulin handy just incase.

It’s safer to use your own stem cells from your own body than anyone else’s. Your body won’t reject your stem cells grown in a petri dish. Forcing stem cells to become new parts of your old body parts is still being researched. And it requires heavy sedation, as the way to extract stem cells is usually from your bone marrow, and then, when enough stem cells are present in the petri dish, another operation to put them into your pancreas. And then hope you have enough to help your pancreas…

MaddysMom, many of us are angry and cynical because we have been confronted with many false hopes and have been exploited by unscrupulous charlatans. Many of us feel exploited by the medical community and pharmaceutical companies as well. When you have a chronic disease, it comes with the territory. You learn to have a watchful eye.

That being said, pioneers such as Dr. Bernstein haven taken risks and moved beyond the medical practices that were in place when he started his research. Bernstein’s own grassroots research has benefited many of us, so I don’t think anyone here is against honest research, even at the grassroots level. That being said, controlled studies built upon solid research are important, especially when children are involved as subjects of the research.

Her blog is gone now. It has been removed from the web.

That transplant don’t always work. I’ve been there too and after about 2 years the d came back when after taking MANY meds I lived through my 7th rejection episode and the D came back.

Thank you kenx! It is not a cure because we don’t yet understand how it works, its working for some and not for others. But this is REAL people there are kids (I’ve met them) that were 100% diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and now have no antibodies, normal C Peptide and a perfect A1C which in the words of an Endo means “no diabetes”. The problem is from what I’ve experienced every body needs different treatment. There is no “plan” you can follow you have to put in the work of eating a gluten and dairy free diet then see what foods trigger your blood sugar and eliminate them. My daughter can eat carrots and go low but she’ll then eat a green bell pepper and shoot sky high. Will the diet work for an adult longtime T1D, who knows not a one (as far as I know) has been open minded enough to try it and put in the work. It is work. It is not starvation, it is not total carb elimination. It is finding YOUR trigger foods and eliminating them, taking vitamins and supplements and filling your body with healing nutritious food that works with YOUR body. Some can have rice some can’t, some can have fruit some have to limit it, its not one size fits all. All I know is that the common denominators I’ve found is that most all of these kids show signs of “leaky gut syndrome” and they all have inflammation. The common thread between T1D, Celiac and Hashimoto’s (which my daughter also has) is that they are all inflammatory related illnesses. Is it so hard to believe that if the body is no longer inflamed and suffering from sensitive foods it might begin to heal? Stop loading your body with foods that trigger it and it will stop attacking itself. There is no doubt in my mind that the pancreas can regenerate on its own that diabetics can create insulin producing beta cells again, the studies are being done, its only a matter of time. It wouldn’t be the first time science has been wrong. People should stop putting all of their eggs in basket and open their minds. As far as the JDRF they’ve been told about this, they have acknowledged it works but that it is “too hard for most people to do” uhhhhh yeah because diabetes isn’t hard. As far as giving so much hope and faith to the medical/pharma industry just remember that its easy for the people that are planning your death to make themselves look really good at trying to save you.

People are angry and cynical because those are the type of people they choose to be. We are all on the same team and all against the fight on Diabetes. The difference is, some of us who have had Diabetes for a long time don’t get worked up at every little possibility of a cure. Chances are, we will not be cured. If I hear if something new, I just do the research and know if it is ridiculous or not. But there are actually a lot of interesting things out there that are worth looking in to, and this is one of them. We can give back by supporting better regiments and new ideas for the next generation. We can help young children with Diabetes by educating them on foods. Dismissing people who are doing things successfully is working against the cure for Diabetes.

MaddysMom, thank you for having a heart to educate and leading the way in a new regiment.

If the transplants aren’t working, it’s because of the autoimmune aspect of Type 1. Your body is still attacking the pancreas, and even if you were to grow a new pancreas from your own stem cells, it still might attack it because of the nature of the autoimmune response in Type 1’s. This hasn’t been studied enough to guarantee a cure in anyone with Type 1, as stem cell research is still relatively new. But there might be some hope in the future for Type 1’s if they study the stem cell research long enough to figure out how to get rid of the autoimmune response as well as grow a new pancreas at the same time. And not put you at risk from dying of a suppressed immune system also.

The woman Kim who is the first to use this method with her daughter followed Bernstein’s method. I guess what I don’t understand is why people are so angry with regard to this, we are mother’s trying to share our findings with you guys. Kim took her site down and other Mother’s have as well from people filled with anger sending hate and threats, its sad that grown people have to behave this way. I am a MOM of a toddler with T1D for 2 years, I don’t want people selling me false hope or their ■■■■■■ herbs I want my daughter to lead a normal healthy life and because of these theories and methods and our trying new things our lives have changed, that’s all I was trying to share to possibly help others. Kim, myself or any other parent never made money, asked for money or tried to sell anything.

Thank you! :slight_smile: I agree 110%

you need to learn to read before posting! No one is denying insulin or doing anything dangerous. I’ve stated numerous times that what I and other Mother’s are doing is a perfectly healthy nourishing diet in addition to vitamins all kids should take. My daughter TAKES insulin when she needs it, I test her 8-10 times per day, she has an Endo that knows everything we are doing and approves, she gets an A1C every 3 months and does everything she is supposed to do. What’s dangerous is people who feed their kids McDonald’s, twinkies and ding dongs someone should report them to CPS.

As far as evidence, that will most likely never be. The medical industry won’t waste money researching because there is no money to be made if you can be cured by food, supplements and a few trips to the Endo. Until T1D’s step up and start doing the research, putting in the work and effort or someone of importance gets a diagnosis and puts money into this research there will never be a cure. You guys should be angry at the Diabetes Associations and the medical industry that have led you on for decades and taken your money and kept you sick. They take your money for supplies, insulin, meters, walks, runs, fund raiser dinners, balls and galas all to pay for people to create more supplies, better meters and smaller needles, this method will NEVER produce a cure – I hope that I’m wrong but I’m sure that I’m not.

Ask any Endo if a honeymoon phase lasts 3 years? Let me know