I was using my iPad (OS 8.3, Safari) last night and logged out–my avatar cleared and the log in button appeared. But just now when I turned on the wifi and opened Safari, I found my account was still logged in. (The last page I had viewed was TuD.) Anyone else experienced this?
Yes, and I prefer that. I don’t have to keep logging in. I might check quickly 3 or 4 times a day and close the tab or not each time. Of course, as it is now, I am just logged in to the main page! Not to the discussion part, which seems to be the Discourse part. I use Firefox on a Mac laptop.
There are times when I like to stay logged in, too. But when I do log off, I really want to know that!
@CatLady06, are you still experiencing this? We had a developer working on login/logout issues over the holiday weekend, and so far it looks like this issue is fixed. Please let me know if you experience it again! Thanks.
Thanks, Emily, seems to be working fine!