My name is Angela, i'm 16 years old and looking desperately for some advice. This is only my second blog post and my first was entitled "Out Of Control." I wrote this one in the middle of my school year because I was feeling a serious lack of control on my diabetes because of my own personal defiance. The comments I recieved were extremely helpful and very heart warming so I hope for the same support in this blog because I feel that support might just be what I need. Anmyway,it's the end of the school year now and i've made a lot of positive changes in my life. First of all, I had serious depression and anxiety but the counciling and medication since my last blog have helped drastically, in fact, I feel like a normal teenage girl again. Well, because of this, I tookahold of the things i've wanted since the beginnning of my depression. Now, I have great grades, much better relationships with my friends and family, and most of all, acceptance of my responsibilities. I love this change in my life, I feel that it was a highly necessary step in my life and I can say that i'm proud of myself for doing it for and by myself. Well now that summer is just around the corner, I want to tackle the final and most important responsibility in my life: my diabetes. My A1c had come down quite a bit but not enough to be healthy or allow for me to drive. Now,i've been trying to modivate myself for 3 years to control my diabetes by myself but when it comes down to it, I am highly defiant and down right lazy. I know that these qualities should be easy to change, and they were easy when it came to changing the rest of my life, but my diabetes seems impossible to conquer! I should mention that I have a tendoncy to give up on things that seem to difficult and the key to changing everything else for me was just telling myself that I want it so badly and it really isn't that hard so don't let anything hold you back and boom. I did it! Now how control alifedisease that I have a hate-hate relationship with? Self help books? Managing diabetes books? Better work ethics? I have no clue,so if you have taken the time to read my blog, please help. I'd love to hear what you have to say! :D Thanks.
Angela, I remember your last blog - wow, you've come a long way! You SHOULD be proud of yourself. 'I know that these qualities should be easy to change' Changing habits? Easy? NO way :) I also have my share of defiant tendencies.
When it comes to changing your management of your D, take it one tiny step at a time; that's doable whereas changing everything overnight is overwhelming. I assume you know what you need to change (testing more often, eating better, whatever). If the issue is not testing, commit to testing every morning - not that hard to accomplish ;) When that's like getting up and brushing your teeth, commit to another step.
I'm really impressed by you - you took the appropriate action to change what wasn't working, and boy did you succeed ;) I'm totally confident that you can make the changes you want to in D management. You've taken the first HUGE step - recognizing what you want to change.
We're all here, holding you up. Keep us posted!
Angela, yes, very hard to change, but I must say, it's easier to do when you're young. Here are a couple of my all-time favorite posts here on exactly this subject, with DOABLE, practical, detailed info on HOW to achieve your goals. The first isa prize winning tip from a member here who is now a psychologist or therapist
The next is from someone coming from a low point in her diabetes journey, the community rallied, and gave her some wonderful advice.
let us know how you're doing!
Hi Angela,
What you've done so far is absolutely magnificent. Congratulations on your determination to control what happens and not allow it to control you. As we know, it's anything but easy to redirect our efforts and change our habits in the way that you've done. Great job!
When it comes to dealing with what still lies ahead, the best strategy I know of is the one jrtpup stated, above: take one small step at a time, concentrate on just that one piece, and forget the rest until that one is handled. Then pick the next bit to do, and so on. One of the smartest people I've ever encountered put it this way:
When faced with a problem you do not understand, find a part that you do understand and do that. Then step back and look at it again.
With diabetes, as with life, the #1 most important requirement for success is the right attitude and the determination to make it happen. You have that in abundance. I know you'll succeed.
Please stay in touch and let us know how you're doing!
Thank you for everyones imput so far, I have yet to look at your links Marie B but I'm looking forward to them. I also will start this new one-step-at-a-time method, it's definately a new view on conquoring my "D" :). Thank you all, I will keep you posted and be sure to make a new blog about this tactic!
Wow, you have taken on a lot this year with getting to know yourself. this is soooo important just by doing this and getting help for your depression and working on everything else in your life you are much closer than you think to owning your diabetes. this is the key own it and deal with it like you did with your depression,think of it as yes a part of yourself you would gladly trade like your other qualities that you mention but since that is not possible do you best, one healthy decision at at time. that is really all any of us can do anyways when it comes to being a better, healthier person. you can do this. you really have to give up the hate hate relationship and accept diabetes as part of you like strait or curly hair. do you have support from your family? in anycase you are of the age to own it but knowing someone has your back is hugely helpful. my son is almost 15 he is getting quite independent but i am still involved in his care.... really angela congratulate yourself on your progress, depression is hard, coming to the other side of this is huge, you are more self aware than most 40 year olds, keep plugging away with kindness and acceptance! many blessings, amy
Angela, I don’t even know you but I am so very proud of what you have accomplished. The simple fact that you tackled and overcame all of the issues you stated tells me that you have the drive and the ability to tackle anything you put your mind to.
It has already been said but start small…baby steps. First of all test…test…test and then test. Once you start testing on a regular basis you will see what your blood sugar is doing and where you need to adjust. It will also give you an idea of what foods give you the worst rise in BG level. It is different for all of us.
For example, I can eat a bowl of ice cream and have very little problem. I eat rice and stand back because my BG is going to spike big time. Regular pasta is okay…it’s just rice.
Please keep writing and telling us how you are doing. We are all here for you and who knows who else may read your blog and get some help or comfort from your writing.