Low carb diet -- the first days?

I was dxed T2 in June of last year, and have had a lot of problems making lifestyle changes. One factor in this is the conflicting advice over the best diet to follow.

I’m considering making some pretty dramatic reductions in the amount of carbs I take in. For those of you that have done this, I’m curious as to what you may have experienced in the first few days. Did you feel unusually hungry, for example, even if you were eating adequate amounts of fats and protein? Anything else you found? I know this is kinda vague…

I felt very tired and weak at first and definitely hypoglycemic,(shaky, sweaty) but when I would test my BG it would be normal. That was just my body switching over from mostly burning glucose as fuel to it burning fat, and adjusting to the fact that my BG was now in the normal range instead of elevated. It kept telling me for several weeks that it was too low. My body had gotten so used to the high levels, that it thought they were normal. I eat 20-25g carbs per day never going above 35 g. I test ever morning and am rarely over 85 fasting, (and I am not on meds). I don’t test during the day any more unless I have eaten something I am not sure of. I am not hungry and that is one of the beauties of low carb, but when you say adequate amount of fat, what do you mean? I eat a lot, bacon, sausage, full fat cheeses and cream. My total cholesterol has dropped and my HDLs have gone up substantially. I am almost never hungry and my weight is coming down on its own. I am very fortunate because my MD supports me 100%, especially when he sees my improved numbers. I have read all the low carb books, and I still like Atkin’s “New Diet Revolution” the best. You won’t regret it. The few weeks of discomfort are worth how great you will feel once you get your BGs under control.

I agree with most of what Pat said. I am on insulin and Metformin. My blood sugars are not under control partly because of other health issues and lack of exercise – do to these other issues. Unfortunetly I turn to Carbs for comfort… and it seems like I have needed a lot of comfort recently. So yes cutting down on the carbs is a very good plan but keep in mind what Pat said… I would test often until your body adjusts to the better bs readings Good luck

I have only cut down on carbs a little bit. I try to keep to 30g per meal or snack, which over the course of the day can still end up being a lot of carbs. I used to eat a lot more carbs though so this is progress for me. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to find that by cutting down on carbs I don’t crave them as much and my eating is a lot more controlled now. I find that eating big salads is helpful for me. The only changes I’ve noticed have been positive; i.e., I feel much better eating less carbs. I don’t know though if I could ever go under 100g a day. But I think that’s partly b/c I am on insulin and Glucovance. I am having a problem with lows and keep having to eat to either prevent or treat them.

You asked about feeling the first few days. There’s a book you might want to look at. It’s called Neris and India’s Idiot Proof Diet. They write about their experiences adjusting to low carb, how they felt, etc. I realize you are a male and the book is targeted to women but their experiences might help you?

Good luck with the diet. I do think you’re on the right track with less carbs.

Bob, I was diag. in Dec with T2, A1c8.7. I started with 2000 mg metformin and glucogon but stomach couldn’t tolerate it. After several weeks doc put me on insulin Lantus 30 units. I was the carb queen as I don’t like meat very much. The first few weeks I had a hard time trying to fulfil the protein level and stay away from the carbs. But I did it. Then I bought a juicer so I could do vegetable drinks that I add hydrogenased egg whites to for the protein and then I found a terrific egg white protein based protein powder. It not only fulfills more protein than I could ever eat in a day but it satisfies my sweet tooth. I actually have a little before bed sinced that is when I give my insulin shot and I do a veggie drink with egg white in morning and usually will use the protein powder for a shake at lunch with a piece of fruit. I have for the past month been able to control my BG very well. I don’t really crave the carbs so much now and I keep them down with the drinks. I feel a couple times a week I can have a dinner that is meat and pasta based or a baked potatoe without it sending my BG through the roof. Hope this helps. Let me know if you want the name of the yummy protein drink. Good Luck

Thank you for your responses. I appreciate it!