Low/lower carb holiday treats--need recipes

I ordered a gluten-free pecan pie for my husband and friends for Christmas dinner but I don’t think even Afrezza (if i can get more samples) will conquer that. So I got to thinking what about a low/lower carb treat for myself? Let’s exchange some tried-and-true recipes here!

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Can you define what counts as low-carb for you?

I made this “Low Carb Peanut Butter Chocolate Silk Pie” recipe for Thanksgiving (rest of the family had one of my mother’s amazing chocolate pies…). I substituted almond flour for the peanut flour (who has peanut flour, really!) in the crust. It was definitely very low carb, but my verdict is:


Way, way, way too sweet for me in both the crust and the filling. The filling’s consistency was more like a weird light cheesecake than a “french silk,” but it was OK. It held up well over a week as I ate it one piece at a time (my older brother had the other slice on Turkey day).

I may try it again with an almond flour pastry crust (rather than the weird almond-cookie thing from this recipe). I was hoping the crust would come out like a version of a cheesecake graham cracker crust, but it did not. I’ll also never again use erythritol/stevia blend when baking: it is far, far too sweet. I’ve ordered some straight erythritol, since that might suit my taste buds a bit better :slight_smile:

With Afrezza in mind, I’d say 30g carbs/serving tops. That’s quite generous by some standards, I know, but modest compared to an estimated 70-100g/serving of hubby’s pie!

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For my son’s 2-year birthday a month after diagnosis I made a cheesecake that’s really good, I think about 20-30 grams per serving as long as the slices aren’t huge. I’m not a big fan of sugar so I think I cut it by just a bit, but you could also conceivably swap out some stevia/sweetener for part of the sugar (I wouldn’t do all).

Also, I haven’t carb-counted this one, but these are delicious and the benefit is that they come in these little bite-size ramekins, so the portion size is limited. EDITED TO ADD: So I did a super-rough carb count and if you use the dark bittersweet chocolate that is between 65 and 70 percent cacao, this seems to work out to about 23 to 25 grams of carbs per ramekin.

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Is there a specific treat or type of treat (cake, pie, candy etc) that you’re looking for?

I love pie but have struggled to eat it during the holidays because a fruit pie with a double crust can be 70 plus carbs per piece. That, with the rest of the meal, is too much for me.

This year, I made both pumpkin and cherry pies and got them down to 20-25 carbs per 1/6 slice. In the pumpkin version, I replaced the sugar with splenda and used some sugar free salted caramel syrup to bump up the taste. It turned out great. For the cherry pie, I used a no sugar added filling and then added splenda and the salted caramel to make it more tasty. I also made the cherry pie a single crust pie and we put whipped cream on the top in lieu of the top crust. Delicious.

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Not really, and mullng it over, maybe the best thing to do is bu a festive cookie at the bakery for myself when I pick up hubby’s pie. No tempting leftovers that way!

Please refer to my thread on low-carb Nanaimo Bars. You can’t beat under 3 (THREE!) carbs per delicious serving. They are so rich that you don’t need more than one serving unless you are literally starving.



I really like these meringue cookies. Essentially, no carbs to cover.


Recipe at Shannon's Sugar-Free Meringues (Low Carb and Gluten-Free)


Not much of a baker myself, but my daughter has made low carb cheesecake for holiday meals and they tasted great. The crust was ground pecans and butter, this needs to spend time in the oven before the filling is added. Cheese cake was made with Truvia instead of sugar. Sorry I don’t have the exact recipe but you can google low carb cheese cake and come up with lots of recipes

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One of my favorite ways to reduce the carb count in baking (in addition to using stevia mixed with a little coconut sugar and applesauce for bulk) is to use less flour. I substitute coconut and nut flours for about 66% of the flour called for in the recipe and use gluten free Pam’s baking mix for the remainder. For cookies, increase eggs by one to soak up into the coconut–makes the cookie chewy :wink:

Cheesecake is great for low carb as mentioned.

I make a chocolate pudding with avocados:
1/2 avo to 1T cocoa to 1tsp cinnamon to 1tsp stevia (sometimes more or less to taste) to 1/2 cup half and half or almond milk to dash of salt to 2T melted stevia sweetened choco chips… blend in food processor and put in frig for a half hour. Has a shelf life of 48 hours… and almost no carbs at all :smiley:

Something I do to lower the carbs is make a nut crust with a sugar substitute brown sugar. I bet you can more easily manipulate a cream pie to become diabetic friendly then a fruit pie or pecan pie. If you find a recipe let me know. During the holidays, I usually stick to small stuff that I can count more easily like bars but I don’t eat much of them.


Hey tatty,
May I have a peek @ your
cherry pie recipe?
Thanks so much.

I had a kid who couldn’t handle sugar at all (this was before I became a diabetic) he had a 4 page allergy list because of this I learned how to take recipes of almost all sorts and change them over to sugar free (no substitutes like the artificial one could be used as my kid was allergic to most) most recipes calling for sugar or corn syrup can be changed out for natural fruit concentrate the best I find is pear even pear jam (sugar free made with fruit only) can be used with almond butter to make fake cream or condensed milk substitute…I have both an apple tort and a pumpkin pie (I have even made this nearly crust free) if your interested let me no I also have sugar free candy you can make but it requires time and some ingredients only now found in the US/Canadian markets (that I am aware of at least) there made with barley or rice malt syrup (the rice syrup is so low in the GI) that it never ( in moderation and not bingeing) caused my blood sugar to go up… Chocolate is the other candy I learned to make without sugar or artificial substitutes. For these I use somethings I just wrote here about and flavorings…

Nuts like a pecan pie can be made with out sugar or artificial substitutes, just add rice or barely syrup instead or I have used a combo of pear jam and shot of whiskey with a few drops of orange extract to give a fake cream pie that extra punch in flavor as the alcohol gets cooked out…for it I use coconut cream (the 100% kind without additives or preservatives) or almond butter…the alcohol as it bakes against the almond butter makes it solidify so go easy on the shot make it more 1/2 shot to preserve the creamyness.