The smell of a bluebell field wild flowers and mother nature to relax under a tree that has seen it all and welcomes you to close your eyes and forget all your worries and woes, nature is like that for are we not all part of the creation and our time here is but a blink of an eyelash in Mothers natures scheme of things, the noise of a wood pigeon calling to it's mate the rustle in the hedge grove of a mouse bird or other kind of creature going on it's daily forage for food, my place is all of this with clear blue skies warm breeze on your face and the body and mind melting into one for a while, this time of the year birds are feeding there young non stop flights to keep the young satisfied walking on a little you can sit by the river and watch families of ducks swans bobbing up and down in the cool waters as it runs to the sea, kingfishers doing what they do best diving into the water coning out with a fish fishermen eat your hearts out, of course these days all of this is memories for me and my days of walking sitting and relaxing in my magical place seem to be a far distant memories.
But I have been there walked there sat there for hours recharged my batteries so all is not lost just wish I had appreciated it more at the time, I have our back garden robins sparrows blackbirds even crows at times trees fruit apple pear and Angel has her Polly Tunnel growing fruit and vegetables so on a nice day like this I can sit on the patio with our cat's and wonder at Mothers Nature gift to us all, have to go briei wants to jump up on my lap for a bit of fuss jimbob and smudge are in cat's dreamland twiddle