Maybe my control isn't as good as I though It was

I know I keep saying this but I really plan on getting this diabetes under "Real" control... looking at my recent summary I still have a bunch of work to do!

Next one will be a big improvement, I have a Dr. appt in a few days, and I’m also going to try to start self adjusting. Got a couple books to help with that.

I have a feeling that I need to work on my counting carbs, because 143 a day seems low.

Anyone have any suggestions to bring up with my Dr. based on these results? Please let me know!


From just looking at your glucose avg's and your basal/bolus %'s I'd venture an uneducated guess that your basal needs a bit of tweaking. Again, I am no expert and I'm just going from the limited info the charts show, when you eat/snack isn't listed and that makes a big difference. Like, do you snack late at night? Since your avg's after 10pm seem high. This could be why you get hit so hard by dawn phenom between 6-8am, unless again, that is when you eat. Is there a graph of when you consume carbs? Do you enter every carb(obviously to the best of your ability) in your pump and bolus for them that way?

Does the doctor already have these charts, and are these significantly different from the previous ones?

Some questions that might be good to discuss with the doctor as well (is your doctor an endo or a primary care?).

What are you using for your I:C ratio?
What are you using for your correction factor?
How comfortable are you with BG readings below 100/80/70? IOW, what are your symptoms (if any)? How do you treat for low BG?
What is your typical post-meal BG reading and when are you testing post-meal?
When you test 3-4 hours post meal and your BG is over 180, what do you do? Same for over 250/350/etc?
How are you counting carbs?
Have you done any basal testing?

@ KevinH: A1C in the low 6s???? I get something in the 12s!

Yeah sorry bout that, I was listening to todays talk on TU and wanted to leave something positive for him, but alas I had my avg stuck in my head!
If you aren't seeing your doc once a month at this point, I'd ask him to do that first off.
Then set a goal for the month between visits, I'd think getting your fasting numbers under control would be a good place to start. If you don't, you'll just be chasing highs all day and never really get anywhere.