Medicare for pens

I am signing up for Medicare and about to chose my supplement provider and drug plan . I keep seeing different information regarding coverage( and I get the impression that only a pump is covered , not the pens such as novolog and levemir pens . Will I have coverage on these ? Very worried . Any words of wisdom on a good drug plan ? Any advice will be welcomed . Thank you

Because Medicare has classified insulin pumps as durable medical equipment, insulin pumps, infusion sets and other pump supplies, insulin, and test strips are covered under Medicare Part B. If you do not use a pump then your insulin pens will be covered under Medicare Part D.

As long as you have signed up for prescription Part D coverage then you should be in good shape to secure the insulin you need.

Many new Medicare recipients find it a pleasant surprise.

Thank you for reassurance . I was feeing anxious .
I appreciate it .