Medtronic 780G vs. Tandem T-Slim

I can’t wait to get a good 6 months of experience with the 780, so I can give my input on it. I sure hope it’s positive.


I’ve now been on the Medtronic 780G and Guardian 4 CGM for six weeks. The pump is still adjusting to me (low carb diet, 20 units of insulin a day, so it is proceeding conservatively with extreme caution. The Medtronic trainer told me that with my profile, it will slowly get more aggressive, but cautiously). My TIR is usually around 90%. Note that on T-Slim, my A1C was around 6.5. My endo and I don’t need it any lower than that, and I expect my next A1C will be about the same. The big difference is that I am not doing ANYTHING except entering # of carbs I consume. So for me, this system is much less work for the same results.

The Guardian 4 has been the biggest and most pleasant surprise. I was braced for trouble, but instead have not had any issues at all. I get 14 days out of each sensor (it is easy to extend for another 7 days. I place them on my abdomen and upper thighs.)

All in all, I’m happy with the system. I realize my goals are not the same as those of some others on this forum. Just posting this for whoever might be interested.


My Tandem X2 expires about the same time. Will review others, but most likely will stay with Tandem X2. Plan to stay with Dexcom G6 as long they are available.

@Cevans54, that is such great news about the 780. I can’t wait to get started. I’ve had some delays, but it should happen soon, I just need to complete my education. I’ve read I’ll be out of auto mode for 2 weeks, and that scares me because I don’t do well when not in auto mode. And, my A1c is due December 20. Man, I should would hate to go off the rails the next 2 weeks, when out of auto mode (I’m currently on 670G) and ruin my current A1c, which I am estimating right now.

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It may be a blessing in disguise that you in manual mode for a couple of weeks, as that is an opportunity to work with your endo to tighten up your basal rates (for whenever you have to be out of SmartGuard for whatever reason). This whole thing is a marathon, not a sprint! Don’t worry about one or two A1cs below your standard! :wink:

Are you sure this works? The minimum duration the Tandem will accept for an extended bolus is 15 minutes.


I looked for this feature and I’m guessing that you use the Extended bolus, and you can only go down to 15 minutes. However, the next screen shows a balance of 50% now and 50% later. I think if I set the first % to 0 and let the second float up to 100%, it may do what pstud123 is talking about. I’ll try it in the morning to see if this is the behavior or not.


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Nope on my test. The minimum time for Extended this morning was 33 minutes. Setting the % to 0 just delayed the delivery to the 33-minute mark and then delivered the full bolus at that point in time. I listened to the pump to see what it was doing and there were no signs of any action until the end of the time set.

I guess I’ll dig out the manual and see if I can find any other behavior documented. If pstud1123 knows chapter and verse for this function, let me know.


The bolus is delivered over the 33 mins, gradually, I doubt the pump will make any noise one could hear. The extended time is shown in the tconnect app. Also on the bolus graph part of the screen.

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I had to learn about square wave vs dual wave extended bolus. Being familiar with square waves electronically I misinterpreted what it meant pump wise.

The extended bolus with the tandem pump does not work well for me. My solution is a manual dual wave. I bolus before a meal and when my BG inevitably rises 2-3 hours later do another bolus smaller that the first.

Seeing the timing of Tandem’s extended bolus I know better why it is inappropriate for me. It probably works well for others.

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Ask your CDE, they have preferences and frankly I would follow their opinion. Both are good.

How do you extend the Guardian 4 sensor for an additional 7 days? Please be specific. Thanks