Got it! Thanks. I was dxed T1 at age 11, 47 years ago. Two of my brothers were dxed in their 50s, also T1. Also no precipating event. Go figure.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention @zander. I had no idea
MT is a local company that started here, so I can tell you that nothing has changed, except on paper. Their US headquarters is still here in the same building. It is just not the ‘official’ headquarters anymore. I call it their ‘unofficial’ lair. It was a big deal when they moved, in principal. I went there this year and asked a question of someone who was speaking there. I was thrown out of the building ‘unofficially.’ LOL. I’ll tell you all about it sometime.
It was funny. I think they thought I was from the media. They kept yelling, “Who are you? Who do you work for?” I had to keep replying, “No one…and, no one.” The security was such that I couldn’t just walk out. They kinda trapped me in there and I had to wait for an escort while they yelled at me and were in the process of throwing me out. One of them tried to grab my badge and see who I was. But, I squared up and they backed off. Professional bullies. They were (essentially) making professional threats. It was over the top. Bad cooperate culture.
It all freaked me out so much that I cried when I got out onto the highway. But, in hindsight, I do not regret it. I do not regret it one bit. I would do it all over again. They are accountable to patients and the local community. They are accountable to me. They throw punches around, but if you ask just one question about it, they freak out. Thats what bullies do.
I love medicine. But, I just loathe the medicine.
I’ve been type 1 for over 55 years and a pumper for over 20 years. My first 4 or 5 pumps were the then current Medtronic Models and I had generally moderate to good control (A1c 7 - 9, with occasional periods of 10 - 12). Two years ago I switched to Tandem T:Slim X2 with Basal IQ. My A1c dropped to 6.4 and then to a reliable 6.1/6.0 In January I installed Control IQ. My A1c is up a little (6.2/6.1) but the time and attention I spend on the pump is reduced and I think it is unlikely that I will again “fall off the wagon (A1c above 9)”.
The Medtronic Customer Service was GREAT while Tandem is acceptable to good (they have stopped directly distributing supplies in NJ).
That all being said I strongly agree with the prior advice…shop for a pump carefully and that a good (easy to live with) pump is more important than GREAT customer service.