I know that Met can cause lactic acidosis, and I know that it's rare. I also don't know if that's what this is, which is why I'm here before I call my endo or even my internist.
I've had a muscle spasm in the back of my left thigh for more than 24 hours. It runs from the back of my knee to about halfway up my thigh. It hurts to walk, I can't bend down at all with my leg straight, and the stairs are murder. It also doesn't like it if I sit straight.
I've been oscillating between 2 and 3 Mets per day, since I don't always have three meal-sized snacks per day. I've taken 3 for the past few days, which has driven my stomach nuts.
For those who've had Met-related lactic acidosis, does this sound at all like what you experienced? Do I blame Met or something else? (Note that I don't know what else, exactly, but I'm sure I can find a health condition I have already that I can blame it on :-))
Hi guitarnut, I've been on 2000mg of Met for 4 years. For several years I've had what I would call a tight hamstring in my left thigh. It manifests itself as an inability to straighten out my leg without feeling pain.
I had read that Met can sometimes cause neuropathy because it causes problems with the absorption of B12. B12 deficiency can also sometimes manifest itself in problems with tendons. I started taking a high quality B12 supplement that also contains other B vitamins. The symptoms have slowly gotten better but have never completely disappeared.
I don't know if this has anything to do with your situation and I have now way of knowing if my analysis of what is going on with me is correct, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
That is exatly what's been happening to me! It's getting better now, but for two days straight it was getting no worse and no better. I don't know how long they last with you, but everything else is exactly as you described!
I do take a multi (which has B vitamins in it), but I will ask my endo to test my B12 levels when I see him. I was going to ask him last time, but I forgot.
And B12 deficiency can cause muscle spasms. I didn't even think of that until you mentioned it.