Mexican Food

I ate Mexican food for lunch yesterday gave to much insulin so had some lows yesterday afternoon. My sugar was fine when I woke up this morning ., but I was high at lunch corrected and ate . Then I just felt bad and checked & I am 352 what the heck could that be from the mexican food yesterday I ate at lunch ? It was a special treat we dont go there often .

I had a similar situation happen to me when I ate Indian food. I spoke with my Dietitian about this and she had informed me that Indian food is high in fat which causes a longer time to digest in our systems. I had checked by BG two hours after I ate and everything seemed to be okay. It wasn’t until hours later that my BG was extremely high. I try to avoid it now because it wasn’t worth it for me. I guess if I really want it bad I would just use the “square wave bolus” option or the “Dual wave Bolus” on my pump.

was it the next day ? I ate it yesterday at lunch

No Tyler, it wasn’t yesterday’s food that spiked you today. But it’s probably a bit of insulin resistance that strikes after one has had a fat meal.
Just keep tamping it down. Don’t stack your insulin and go low. But you may need a bit higher ratio of insulin to carb for awhile.

thanks Leo2 I just checked for supper & I am 104 maybe it is gone now it made me feel like crap want do that agian for a long time LOL it was good but not that good

Higher fat and protein meals will cause a significant rise later. Things like Indian food, pizza and Chinese food make my glucose rise for 8-10 hours after I have the meal. Now that I’m using a pump, it’s easier for me to handle the pizza at least. With a mixture of increased basal rate and an extended bolus it makes it easier for me to handle. I also found that the later rise seemed to be very tough to bring down.

I guess i need to lay of the mexican food it just does not agree with my sugar . Pizza I just have a slight problem cause I eat thin crust if i eat thick crust then I am high for the rest of the day .

with practice you can cover mex food. The fat and protein slow down the digestion which is why your insulin caused a low and then a spike later on. I would not lower your dose, instead, split the dose and take the 2nd shot later or, if on pump, do what Pete and Stef do.

I am on a pump but when I have high carbs or fats , Protien. I would count the carbs and take half of the insulon than a hour later take the other. Pump terms combo bolus. It helps break down slow digesting carbs.