Okay folks, I’m a little worried. We just tested our son and he had moderate ketones just two hours after his meal.
My son was in range for most of the day – both on Dex and finger stick – and spent a significant portion of the day between 80 and 120. He spent an hour between 180 and 200, but that’s it. He was low just before eating dinner tonight, which consisted of pasta and ice cream. I tested him via finger stick numerous times today, and the number was pretty close to Dex.
I bolused for the meal about 10 minutes after he finished it because he started out at 65. And he just kept rising. I just kept piling on the insulin. 1 unit, 2 units, 3 units, 3.5 units. He kept rising and once he hit 300 on Dex I tested him with a finger stick and he was 413. This was just 2 hours after he had eaten and just 1 hour after he crossed the 200 threshold on Dex. So I tested his blood ketones. They were 1.6 mmol/L – on the low end of moderate.
So we did the basic routine: extra insulin given by injection, changed his site, sips of regular water, upped his basal. I’m not freaked out by the number per se; I trust that we can handle the protocol and will recognize any early signs that things are getting more serious.
But I’m spooked. I’ve always heard that it’s very hard to develop ketones from just a mistimed meal bolus, and that you actually need to be deprived of basal insulin in order to start developing them. I also assumed you needed to have high BG for more than an hour or two before you started to get ketones. But based on his blood sugar all day, he was not low on insulin at all during the day. And he doesn’t seem to be sick. He could be growing – but again, I’d assume that if his blood sugar is mostly in check all day, then he wouldn’t develop ketones.
The only things I can think of are that he had a high spike overnight last night, and apparently his ketones then were 0.6. So maybe he never cleared them even after a whole day of normal blood sugar?
The other issue is maybe he ate too few carbs today? His dinner was carb-heavy but we ran out of oatmeal this morning so we scrounged up two tortillas, amounting to just 20 g of carbs. So he probably only ate 50 g of carbs before we hit dinnertime. His usual carb intake is probably around 85 to 100 g per day (excluding fiber).
So what’s going on? I’m pretty freaked out if he’s this prone to ketones, that he could spiral into DKA really rapidly.