Molecule in red meat causes autoimmune response

I have been following an elimination diet in an attempt to alleviate some of my autoimmune conditions, which include LADA, hypothyroid and arthritis. I have discovered that red meat and goat cheese seem to make my joints stiff and I discovered this article: which links a sugar molecule, Neu5Gc, to an antibody response, possibly contributing to Type 1 diabetes. What is interesting to me is that this was NOT done on mice. Instead, the researchers drank a concentrated form of the sugar, derived from pig saliva. Humans don’t have this particular molecule, but animals do. 2 days later, the researchers found high levels of the molecule in their tissues. Neu5Gc has been found in cancer tumors. Scientists had been concentrating on the saturated fat aspect of red meat, but this is something completely different. I am starting today on a vegetarian diet and hoping to see an improvement.

Read The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. Related to your question.

Sounds interesting, I tend to avoid meat naturally, as I don’t really like the taste, thats not even to mention animal rights. The meat industry is worth an awfuln lot of money, they will never tell us the whole story.

Ive been a vegetarian since I was 3… the rare times I do eat meat (my parents cook it, they are always so concerned about my iron and protein levels lol) I feel sooooo sick afterwards and my blood sugars spike like crazy. Im not really surprised about their findings at all.


Professor Ajit Varki, the report’s senior author, said he did not think the ingestion of Neu5Gc would be primarily responsible for human disease.

But he added: “It is conceivable that gradual Neu5Gc incorporation into the cells of the body over a lifetime, with subsequent binding of the circulating antibodies against Neu5Gc, could contribute to the inflammatory process involved in various diseases.”