I found this interesting article about how food allergies affect diabetes.
It definitely hit home for me and I'm sure for a few others here.
I found this interesting article about how food allergies affect diabetes.
It definitely hit home for me and I'm sure for a few others here.
Sorry Jen for the late response. My allergic reaction usually cause resiual effects after the initial anaphylaxis attack (hives, lips/tongue/eyelids swelling, breathing problems) with mucuous, allergy colds, migraines, asthma attacks, etc.
My CRP and SED rates skyrockets resulting in my RA flaring as well. That's how my RA was initially, officially diagnosed through my allergy blood tests.
I think this article is trying to tie the autoimmune responses of allergies with autoimmunity of diabetes. I have heard some people who said their allergies triggered or pushed their bodies into Type 1 diabetes by turning on the autoimmune switch to "overload".
Many years ago, my doctor handed me a laundry list of healthy foods that I could no longer eat that I grew up eating (seafood, dairy, peppers, onions, beans, peas, apples, oranges, grapefruit, peaches, pears, pineapples, etc). My body just turned on me. The older I get, the longer the list is growing and there are more foods I am unable to eat (corn, wheat, etc). It's really frustrating.
But now I understand why I was always sick in elementary school. It was due to the food they fed me in the cafeteria--fishsticks and milk. I was always sick at home with the stomach virus at least twice a school year. I'd always get sick after lunch and my mom would have to come and pick me up from the nurse's office.
I may end up like the boy in the bubble.