Monday Monday

Back from the Endo, my A1C is down to a 6.2 :D Hopefully in a few months once I'm used to the Omni system I can strive for the 5's. Numbers have been great today, though I need to start working on keeping myself a little higher at bed time.

Being in the 70 to 90 range overnight is acceptable, until your CGM starts going off every 15 minutes because you're crossing your "low" threshold. I don't want to move it too much lower, as it did wake me up once when I really did need a glass of OJ. Small complaints really> Now just waiting on Dexcom to call back and get my 2 bum sensors replaced.

Omni system starts next Monday. Doc and coach want to see another week of data from the CGM before we try round number 2. They are also having me lower and split my lantus (have been going low at night consistently) to 35 units a day with 20 at 9pm and the other 15 at 3pm. We'll see how it does.