Everymorning, immediately upon wake up my GL is 134 to 135. This is before breakfast, excecise or anything.
Why is is that high even if it is around 110 or so when I go to bed?
Is 135 to high for the morning?
is 122 daily average good, marginal, or bad?
I watch what I eat (few carbs) and walk a couple of miles each day, but sit at a computer most of the day.
Yes, I believe 135 is too high, and so is 122. Check out http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/
I had the same issue - dawn phenomenon. For me, this turned out to be a basal secretion issue (what is sometimes called fasting or “background” insulin - it’s actually long-acting insulin). I started on Lantus and my fasting bs came down to normal. I will be switching to Levemir soon, however.
I only take Lantus and Metformin, that’s it, and am on a very, very low carb diet (usually around 30 carbs per day). My biggest puzzle right now is that I seem to have to snack on something every 90 min to 2 hours to keep my bs low - still have to figure this one out.
I also walk every day - about 1.5 miles at a fairly fast rate - and sit at the computer a lot (instructional designer, e-learning course developer). Just recently, I’ve added weight training and some bicycling.