My 30th Anniversary of Type 1 Diabetes!

I am celebrating a major milestone today - 7 October 2012 is my 30th anniversary of type 1 diabetes!

I am so proud I made it this far. I was a very sick and very scared 15 year old back in 1982 when I was diagnosed. I was in a coma, really underweight and terrified of needles. I am sad looking back at how difficult it was for me then, I overheard a doctor at the hospital telling my mother I would never have children and live a normal life. But today I am going to celebrate successfully navigating my way through this condition for three decades!

I don't have any complications, I'm fit and healthy, I have two beautiful children and I'm studying my way through a second degree! Life is great, I am so grateful for the past 30 years.

We are going out for dinner this evening to celebrate my special milestone. I am looking forward to the next decade and seeing what it brings!

To anyone out there who is newly diagnosed - you can do anything with type 1 (except scuba dive, and who needs that when we can go snorkelling!) I have earned my restricted pilots license, have an excellent driving record, ski black runs, go sailing, horse riding, play sport, love yoga, and went back to university at the grand old age of 42. Now I'm planning on doing a Masters. Do not let type 1 stop you doing anything in life :)

Hurray - I made it! 30 years and still going strong. I am really proud of myself :)

Fantastic Adrienne! I recently celebrated my 45th. Have a wonderful time tonight!

Well done to you. This is the news we need to hear when we feel frightened of what the future may hold. You look so well and your life sounds amazing. Have a great time tonight, you certainly deserve it. And well done to our Marie B too.

You have done a fantastic job. Enjoy your celebration. I hit 50 last December and I very proud of that. You are right--Type one should never become an obstacle to doing what you want.

Great job! It sounds like diabetes pales next to your other accomplishments!

Here I was sitting and feeling sorry for myself and this is only year 3 for me. Thanks for reminding me that there is a life after diagnosis.

Congrats Adrienne on your diaversary. 30 years is a milestone and you should be very proud of yourself. And you know what, you can in fact scuba dive with T1 D. I am an advanced open water diver and have had T1 for 37 years. You can't scuba dive with a pump, but you can on MDI and some of my dives have been breathtaking.

Great for you! I have been diabetic for 43 years and I agree that type one diabetes will NOT stop you from doing ANYTHING you want to do in life. I wish, Adrienne, that you continue to live well,live strong,and live long!!!

God bless,

Wow, 45 years! You are doing so well, you must be very proud of yourself. You inspire me, it is through meeting people like you who've managed well with this condition for so many years that I have hope for my future! Congratulations :)

There is always life with diabetes Kathyann. Don't ever let it take away your joy and hope for a wonderful future! You will have ups and downs, as we all do, but in the long run diabetes is just a tiny part of who you are. We are all very special and blessed people - don't ever forget that :)

I can scuba dive??? WOW! I have always been told I can't! I am in Australia and have had to resort to the joy (not) of snorkelling at our beautiful Great Barrier Reef many times. It has been my dream to dive all my life, it's the one thing I always thought diabetes stopped me doing (well, that and being an astronaut). Thank you for giving me such good news on my anniversary.

43 years! Wow, you're definitely doing something right because you look great and very happy. Thank you for your good wishes, I am feeling very spoilt with everyone's best wishes today. Yes, it's a funny sort of anniversary that not many other people can understand. But I'm over the moon today - I feel like I've hit a major milestone with ease, and it's so great knowing we can live long, healthy and happy lives. God bless you too!

Congratulations on 50 years Spock! I am very much looking forward to hitting that milestone one day - instead of just a celebratory dinner I may a celebratory holiday instead! How different must your life be now compared to when you were diagnosed - I am very happy for you.

Thank you Josephine for your good wishes! I'm having a great time today - weather is beautiful and sunny, summer is on it's way, family to love and spend time with....what more could I ask for :)

You got us on that one Adrienne you definately can't be an astronaut. Enjoy your upcomming scuba dive, something tells me you will be going soon.

And Congrats on thirty years.

Awesome post! Fun and exciting to hear about what life with diabetes can be like. I haven’t been diagnosed a year yet. Thanks and enjoy your anniversary. You deserve it!

Glad to hear your healthy and enjoying your life....

Some PADI instructors will certify a PWD and the YMCA also has a SCUBA program for PWD's that use insulin.

The biggest hurdle is finding a Doctor who will sign off on your health, many will not even OK a healthy none PWD.

Hi John, what is a PWD? I am in Australia and I've spoken to a few doctors in the past 30 years about diving, and all of them have said as a type 1, I can't do it.

PWD= Person with Diabetes....

Cheers, thanks for clarifying that. I'll look into it again, very keen to dive, a lifelong dream of mine.