Bread means carbs. I go straight to the Nutrition Label. The serving size is one slice. This is not absolute science, but it’s fairly close to the carb content. Frustrated, I started baking bread at home, all of it. Get a good bread knife, and you should be able to slice it really thin to keep the carbs down on a sandwich. Cheater Bread: I start with two cups of whole wheat flower. You’ll need to add gluten. I use two T.
I add one T rapid-rise yeast and about a half t. of salt. I use one cup unsweetened soy milk and add stevia to sweeten it a bit. I include about a T. of walnut oil. I kneed it in my bread machine, then take it out and work it with my hands, put it back into the machine and let it rise. Then I turn on the one-hour bake cycle. I can’t know how many carbs in one of my thin slices, but it has to be a lot less than commercial bread slices and, much better. If you haven’t baked bread, you just need to dive in and expeirment. Good luck.
i think you would have less carbs in your bread if you used unbleached white flour. whole wheat flower tends to have more carbs per serving. check out a loaf of whole wheat bread compared to a white loaf in the grocery store. yes, whole wheat is healthier but has more carbs. if you use unbleached white flour you don’t have to use extra gluten. it has plenty in it already plus you won’t be eating all of the chemicals they use to bleach flour. if i was you i’d also use water instead of the soy milk. just because it doesn’t have sugar in it doesn’t mean there are no carbs. soy milk is a better choice than milk but water is even better because there are NO carbs whatsoever. a good french bread recipe only uses bread, yeast, water, salt and occasionally sugar for flavor. you can use your sweetener for the flavor. i think this would yield a slightly lower carb content than a grocery store slice…just remember even if it’s sliced thiner, make sure your weight is smaller too. it could be thin but twice the diameter, yielding more carbs.
making bread sound interesting and yummy! I’m always trying to find the best 100% wheat bread when i go shopping. I try to get about 30 carbs for 2 slices for my meal, and i try to look at the fiber,sugar, and protein as well. I got stuck with sara lee this time around, lol.
Your bread sounds good. When I bake, I use half soy flour to cut down on the carbs and add protien. You would still need to add your gluten flour. If you want to use milk instead of water, almond milk has fewer carbs than soy milk. It fun to experiment with home baked goods but there is no way to know the carb/calarie/fat/fiber/or protient content. But I agree, it will be healthier.
I don’t know if I could limit myself to a couple of very thin slices. I put my bread machine away in my closet because whenever I make bread the whole house smells so good and I want to eat the whole loaf. I buy Trader Joes sprouted bread ( 7 carbs per slice, 3 gr fiber per slice)
2 slices of white bread is only around 24 carbs…if you make your own you don’t have to worry about all of the chemicals that are in store bought that “they” tell you not to eat. nothing beats homemade bread…yumm!!
You can check the carb and calorie count of things at . It shows 2 cups of wholewheat flour as having 145 net carbs, and 814 calories. 2 cups of white flour would be 192 net carbs and 992 calories. Soy flour is 21 carbs and 330 calories per cup. The total of all your ingredients is 150 carbs and 1050 calories (excluding the gluten which isn’t listed at this website) . So if you get 15 slices, they would be 10 carbs and 70 calories each. I don’t know why, but have found that commercial sprouted grain breads are about this carb count , and that is for a big slice. Adding some flax meal in place of some of the flour would lower carbs, although you cannot add too much or the bread will not rise and it is fairly high calorie. 1/2 cup of flax is 320 calories but only 4 net carbs. So, let the experimenting continue! Personally, I don’t think I could stand the smell of bread baking. In fact I’m suddenly starving!
Hi, Susan, thanks for all the good help. I’ve never made a count of the slices because I never slice my bread all at once. I’ll have to add some flax seed next time.