Bread recipe?

Continuing the discussion from Huh. Recent lab test for Transglutaminase Tissue? What could be up with that?:

Do you have a particular recipe you’d be willing to share? Thanks!

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Not really as I’m not doing anything particularly inventive.

It’s almost always just about 500g of white flour with some (~110g) oatmeal plus the other usual suspects. Yes, I’m in a rut but it’s a familiar one. :smile:

As for gluten I add around 30 to 40 grams. I like my dough “sticky”. (Of course, I use a bread machine which means I don’t have to knead the sticky stuff. :wink: )

I do try to track the carbs of the ingredients so I have a number for the total carbs supposedly in the loaf. Then when I eat it I weigh the slices so I can come up with a carb count for the “slice”. But that’s more about why I prefer to bake it myself than a recipe. When I do it myself I can (possibly) keep better track of the carb count.

I have a little home based bread business. I have been playing around with Vital Wheat Gluten recently, it really helps with the rise in breads that need a little help, like whole wheat, ryes, oatmeals. If the recipe you’ve been using comes out like a brick, try it!

Ah! So you are the one whom @CatLady06 should be asking for bread recipes, eh? :wink:

Yep. All basically low or no gluten ingredients so I can believe it would help for those recipes.

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is that the “gluten” you add to your breads?

We can buy a little packet of Bread Improver here which I have always assumed to be gluten.

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Just remembered, powdered milk helps bread rise, works wonderfully well.

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Yes, and I think the three teaspoons of active dry yeast I toss in also help with this. :smirk:

At the moment I’m working my way through a few packages of Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Flour I bought in bulk a tad over a year ago. At about a tablespoon or three per loaf of bread it takes a while to use it up.

[quote=“irrational_John, post:8, topic:46960”] Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Flour

looking closer at your picture, I see it is Vital Wheat Gluten. I use up to 1 Tbl per cup of whole grain flour.

@Pastelpainter I also use the King Arthur Bread Improvers (Rye and Whole Grain) and the powdered milk. plus, I use bread flour instead of all purpose for my sturdier breads, it’s higher in gluten.

for a while there, we had a hashtag going on twitter #BakersWithDiabetes

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Marie, I use an Italian 000 flour for bread. I used to buy a flatbread for pizza, it has disappeared off the shelves, so now I am back to making my own pizza bases. I think it would cost too much postage to order breadmaking ingredients from America.

PS: I don’t tweet!

I have pretty much completely given up on measuring ingredients by volume. It’s a lot easier and possibly even more consistent to measure by weight. Small electronic scales are so easy to get and use these days.

It’s also a way to avoid worrying about sifting the flour before measuring it. :wink:

Fun discussion! I love baking bread and kind of gave up last year with my T1 diagnosis. The local bakery makes a nice multi-grain but I thought why not try to make my own. Sounds like a good idea to try the King Arthur whole grain bread improver and some fresh vital wheat gluten (found some in the cupboard during a clean-out–eek). Haven’t tried using dry milk in anything but a recipe I have for English muffin bread calls for buttermilk and the loaves have a very tender crumb. I weigh out all my ingredients, too, and I do think my baked goods come out better in texture by weighing them. Hmm, maybe I’ll start by tweaking a recipe I like for a light-wheat sandwich bread…and I’ll let you all know how It comes out.

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I’m not quite clear if the “dry milk” you used was buttermilk powder or just, well, dry milk. :blush:

For reasons I can’t empathize with, buttermilk is hard to find in my area of upstate NY. Usually all you can find these days is the small pint sized (?) cartons. A few years back you could still get it by the 1/2 gallon at one of the local grocery stores, but that went away.

I guess most people just use it in recipes these days. I always thought it was fine to just drink as is or pour over a breakfast cereal. Oh, well.

How “complicated” is your recipe for English muffin bread? :bread: :slight_smile:

It’s pretty easy, for sure. But I’m embarrassed to say that I misremembered the recipe, which uses whole milk, not buttermilk. I substitute 1/2 cup of Hi-Maize Flour (resistant-starch) for 1/2 cup of the bread flour to lower the carb load a bit–definitely optional. But do use bread flour for a chewy texture.

English Muffin Bread.doc (16 KB)

Yeah, but you could always just use buttermilk instead of milk and see what happens, no? :smile:

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Hmmm…might make nice “muffin-tin” rolls…