Today I had a great 24 hour trend maybe not as good as many of you here but it was great for me. The things I find help are 1) Moderate Carbs
2) Low glycemic Index
3) Believe it or not 4 teaspoons of lemon juice in a glass of water with each meal (lowers the glycemic index)
4) switching from Humalog to Humalog
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Dick, thanks for posting this awesome trend! I think any of us would take that as a fantastic day of D management. If youve noticed around the group. we post it all and try not to just do the flattest we can come up with. So, dont worry how yours compare, even if they were in the 180s (which they are far from), that would still help to relate to some PWD and let them know that good management is achievable.
Thanks for posting and I look forward to seeing more of your trends!