i found this website on yahoo,. well about me me & my wife, have a 15 year old daughter who is a type-1,. & we want to get this Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitor! for her,.& we don’t know anything about it, & we love to learn anything about diabetes,. hope i found a OK or good website,.
Tons of people here use and love the Dexcom cgm. I think the most direct path to getting one is to call Dexcom customer service directly and tell them you’re interested— they have people who do the legwork for you, preauthorize (or try to) with your insurance, figure out how much it’s going to cost you, etc-- then they’ll contact your doctor themselves to get the prescription for you.
I only used one for a few months, but was really impressed by how Dexcom just made it all happen so smoothly after I just called them and told them I wanted one.
1st, welcome to tud, there a lot of parents, of kid with Diabetes on here,. & you found a great website,.
2st i will call Dexcom, they will get everything, you need ready, i have used one for 3 months, & i love it,.
hope to see you around, the Forum!. cool name by the way,.
Not much to add to the above, other than to agree: call Dexcom. You won’t regret it! Dexcom is a true game-changer.
How long ago was your daughter diagnosed?
she was diagnosed, January-24-2014, me & my wife, worry about, her at bed time !,.
do anyone know this, erice ! ?.
You’ve found an active community of people that want to live well with diabetes of all types. There are many parents of type I children here also.
I highly recommend the Dexcom CGM. You’ll be able to remotely, via a smartphone, monitor your daughter’s blood glucose. It’s especially useful at night. You can set customized alerts based on when you want to be warned of high or low blood glucose levels.
Some insulin pumps come with built-in CGMs. While many people like them, I prefer to keep the two technologies separate as the two devices have different lifespans and warranties. I’ve used Dexcom CGMs since 2009 and I wouldn’t want to live without it.
Good luck and fire away with any questions!
Dexcom is amazingly helpful, but not all teens can appreciate it. At 15, your daughter should have a say. Is she on board with the idea?
My daughter was diagnosed on the very same day: January 24, 2014!
she is board with the idea,! & wow that,! both of are daughters are diagnosed, on the very same day.
If you do go with the Dexcom, you should look into getting Sugar Surfing by Dr Stephen Ponder. He once compared using CGM to piloting a plane flying just above the treetops. While he’s more into surfing terminology now, I think you would enjoy his viewpoint.
Amazing that your children share a dx date!
Hi, @diabetes_dad! You certainly found a great website - as others have said, lots of great people ready and willing to help, including parents of children with diabetes.
My son is 13, dx’d at age 3 and using Dexcom for about seven years. We’ve found it very useful, particularly the more recent iterations with improved accuracy and now with the G5 share, being able to view Caleb’s bgs remotely and him only needing to carry his phone as his receiver.
What are your daughter’s thoughts about a CGM? Caleb has become accustomed to it after so many years, and although I think he’s quicker to recognize what he doesn’t like about it, I believe he appreciates its value in his diabetes care. However, we have a local friend who is his age, dxd a year and a half ago and he is very opposed to wearing another device. While I want to cheerlead for all that Dexcom has done for Caleb’s care, I don’t because I can truly appreciate not wanting another thing attached to you, and another thing to “deal” with. So, again, just curious about your daughter’s impressions and interest in it.
she want one,! she is on- board with everything,
The other thing to take into account is the amount of carbs per day, so the BG doesn’t rollercoaster, this is where the monitor will help too,
and I’d get 2 books, think like a pancreas by Scheiner and diabetic solutions by Burnstein
also body image is important at this age, sadly it’s slim again this decade… weight can be controlled by carb intake, less carb = less insulin …and therefore minimising the risk of an insulin disorder/diabulimia
encourage them to join lots of diabetic groups on FB until they find a few they like. peer groups are important with helping
@jack16: I know you mean well, but it would be nice if you didn’t push (although I would like to acknowledge that you push relatively gently!) your low-carb agenda on parents of children with Type 1. (Yes, I know a great deal about LCHF, low-carb, moderately low-carb diet and children that thrive on these diets and the Facebook group, etc., etc.) but the fact is many physicians, including myself, do not support a low-carb diet for growing children. I applaud the parents who make low-carb work for their kids (even though I suspect the parents feel much better about it than the kids), but I’d put a big chunk of my hard-earned money on the fact that most of these parents are either stay-at-homes or homeschooling (or both). Not very feasible for most families with two working parents or for single parents. Believe me, the vast majority of parents who are motivated enough to join this Forum or the Parents of Children with Diabetes Forum tend to be either above-average in intelligence or at higher socioeconomic levels (or both) and know about this option, so you don’t need to keep mentioning it. I fear that continuing to do so risks making parents feel like they are not trying hard enough or don’t care enough about their CWD or, at worst, are outright losers because they just do not have the resources to pursue this challenging lifestyle. Not to mention the psychological dimensions involved in being a CWD: alternately feeling like your life is out of control or like your life is being controlled against your will by diabetes, your parent(s), your endocrinologist, your comprehensive diabetes team, etc. NOT a good time to exert even more control over what should be something they have a choice in: what they put into their mouths! IMO, the risk of developing an eating disorder FAR outweighs the benefits of a low-carb diet for children and teens. Additionally, BG levels vary a great deal more in CWD because they have growth and puberty hormones thrown into the mix which means that, outside of the honeymoon period, even CWD who eat low-carb are more often not going to have those nice flat lines that adults on low-carb diets often see. Why not back off and just educate these kids about this option, but let them choose (within reason) how THEY want to eat. Save the low-carb stuff for adults who can exert their own free will to choose to follow this lifestyle.
Many, many parents of CWD (even though they realize on an intellectual level that they didn’t cause their child’s T1D) continue to feel guilty. I am respectfully asking you to please, PLEASE stop adding to this very real and often overwhelming guilt by furthering your low-carb agenda at parents of CWD. Please save it for the adults.
I just want to add that many, many (I’d estimate well over 85%) of the CWD that I know who do NOT eat a low-carb diet are NOT overweight. So please stop using this as a reason to try to convince parents that they need to feed their CWD a low-carb diet or their kid will become overweight or obese. And I’d like to add that my 13-year-old daughter does NOT follow even a moderately low-carb diet (she feels great about being able to eat like her friends when a lot of things in her life are frustratingly different from her non-D friends) and she has a normal BMI (not even close to being overweight), does not appear overweight, and outside of when she was diagnosed, has A1Cs in the high-5s to low-6s. All of this WITHOUT a low-carb diet!
i don’t eat a low-carb diet, ues to, i do just fine, I’m not overweight, my a1c was 8.9 last time, & my bg is fine,.
are daughter !, don’t eat a low-carb diet. !, & we had her care team,! try to push it on her,! & i can see @rgcainmd he like to push it a lot !,.
You need to talk to Tom … He has a daughter of the same age and a son both T1 and both doing great now
As the care team would have said, LC is a way of helping if needed. You may feel they pushed LC, but I’m sure they had the interest of your daughter at heart and are aware of short and long term risks of diabetic complications… Those that have experience with it will say it generally has advantages if needed.
Are you implying that not eating low-carb increases a Type 1 child’s risk of developing complications?!?!?