Net Carbs Vs. Total Carbs

This subject comes up frequently & for good reason. It's confusing! Sharing a great blog post from a wonderfully informative blog. All her posts are well-researched & well written.

Gerri, thank you so much, not only for sharing this blog post, but for the website in general.

I have been following this blog since it's inception. The author is a trained dietician and CDE who is friendly to the low carb approach of dealing with diabetes as well as for weight loss. She also uses low carb in dealing with her own blood sugar issues, always a plus. As Gerri said the posts are well written and well researched, highly recommended.

I'm a big fan, too!

I've added this blog to my favorites! I did not know there were any dieticians or CDEs out there supporting low carb so this is refreshing. :)