I was just diagnosed with type 2 and jumped wholeheartedly to do a complete lifestyle change. Flushed the cigars and bourbon. Started a new healthy diet of low carbs, low fat and low calorie. Religiously adhere to my mediciation schedule (metformin and a shot of levemir at bedtime). Take a 20 minute walk after lunch and 45 minutes on the treadmill after dinner. Been on this for 3 weeks and I’ve gained 4 pounds!
I haven’t researched the meds much, but do these meds promote weight gain.
Seems like everyone on here is extremely friendly and knowledable. So hello and HELP!!!
forgot the glimepiride!!!
I am a type 1 so I cannot answer your question. But, I know others on here can. I took a type 2 med, now off the market, in a clinical trial and did not have weight gain. However, as I said that product is now removed, so I cannot answer.
In the mean time, welcome to our little group. We do enjoy having new members and I wish you well.
thanks for all the answers…this is great!
Send me the whiskey!
Hi and welcome!
I don’t want to seem like I am promoting anything, but check out the zone diet if you are struggling with weight. It balances hormonal levels using a ratio of fat to protein to carb. A Week in the Zone is the book I used. It was so helpful for me! Since you are open to lifestyle changes you might find it helpful too.
Great job on making those changes! Sarah
Hey JNH,
First of all, WELCOME to TuDiabetes! When I spotted your dis, I immediately went searching for groups that deal with Type 2. Being a Type 1, I was surprized to see how few groups are dedicated to this particular form of the big “D.”
Hang in there! You strike me as a person with a strong personality. This kind of resolve will take you through some tought times. In the meantime, cruise around the entire site. There are thousands of diabetics that care about your situation.
I would encourage you, if it is at all possible, to get under the care of a good endocrinologist. Then bug him/her to death. That’s why they get paid the big bucks.
Watch for Type 2s in the various discussions and make friends with as many of them as you can.
Its frustrating at the start.
You do evertying that you think is right and it does not show results.
Can get down right annoying at times.
Hang in there.
Dont loose hope nor the sight of what your goal is.
Remember, a diet wont work if you dont like what you are eating.
Portion control was the hardest thing for me to learn, in fact, still battling that one.
If you like to eat a hamburger, then by god, eat a hamburger, but leave off the Catup (suger and tomatoes) and leave off the bun. Have your meat patty and cheese wrapped in lettuce (dont forget to let your meat cool first). Green leaf lettuce seems to work best for me.
Wow, low carb hamburger.
Or drop the white bread, and go for double fiber bread, toasted of course since that is the only way I will eat it.
Do you like a BLT? Wrap tomatoes and bacon in lettuce. You now have a BLT, no bun nor bread.
If you love bread, and I do, eat it on special occasons.
I like a good crusty artisain bread, no more cheap white slice bread for me.
I eat good bread when I have had no other carbs per say and know I need a few carbs in what I am eating.
above all else, dont give up.
From your pic, you have kids you need to walk down the isle when they have their special day.
Do what you need to do, to be there for them.
It could be muscle weight (muscle is more dense than fat) if you were loosing weight rapidly before (DKA) begin able to metabolize carbs and keeping water in could affect. Metformin can help with weight loss, and insulin (levemir) can cause gain. If you need help go see a nutritionist and if you don’t have one find a good endo (when I was living in you neck of the woods I really liked Dr Scoma in Winter Park). Don’t worry too much right now your body is getting use to what normal blood sugars should be.
Just keep up the good work and things will work out.
The Zone rocks! I agree.
Dear JNH.
Great job on the lifestyle changes. Yes for type 2 diabetics insulin and especially glimipride will cause weight gain I am constantly hungry and at the end of my wits about what to do. In your case I would definitely junk the glimipride since this gives you no control whatsoever (this in itself will cause massive weight gain) and replace it with a fast acting insulin to be used before meals. Then try and minimize the amount of insulin you use by eating a very low carb diet and using exercise to keep BG under control as much as posible. The metformin should be ok and not cause weight gain in some people it helps with weight loss. Levemir seems to be a better bet than lantus for not gaining weight but I have switched to levemir and cannot collaborate that. Have to consult a Hindi guru and see what is their god of weight loss and burn at lot of incense to him or her. Hypnosis? Trying a weight loss drug called meridia approved for diabetics in Canada but so far I cannot say I have lost an ounce. Join the mormons? Anybody out there any ideas?
I was first diagnosed with type 2 and on metformin. Doing a little research on the meds I found out that in Europe they use this drug for weight loss too. Now I wasn’t on it long enough to see any results like that because they then told me that I was type 1…totally different treatment now. I am still working out the kinks …getting on that treadmill is not so fun for me.
I think you are on the right track with your diet …keep up the good work. That beautiful family of yours looks well worth the effort!
Good luck
Hello! Welcome to TuD! Be patient. You actually gain weight before you shed it. Good job on exercising. Keep up the good work. Your headed into the right direction.
Welcome to our community. We are very friendly:)
Wow, very impressive beginning! Way to go. Don’t know how low carb is low carb for you, but be cautious about going too low fat & make sure the fats you are eating are good ones. Lots of new research showing that it’s not the fat consumed that puts on pounds, but the carbs. Lowering carbs tends to help weight loss.
Hello there. Very please to meet you here. As the famous phrase we always say here…“youre not alone”…
Im also type 2 diabetic and Im taking glimepiride (Solosa) too. I was diagnosed August of 2007 with weight of 120 lbs (5"4"). Just like you, after taking the meds, I also gained weight consideng Im on strict low carb diet and exercise. It took me about 3 months before I stabilized my weight gain. My endo suggested a gradual increase of daily exercises. For example…if you do 30 minutes of treadmill today, make it 40 minutes 3 days after, gradually also inreasing speed and distance. A 15 minute aerobics today, gradually increases to 20 minutes a day a week after. Until you stabilize your weight.
Monitoring of my food intake was also done. Gradually increasing or decreasing portioning of fat, protein, carbs, etc. During the first 3 months, I took my blood sugar almost 6 to 7 times per day and weight myself weekly.
I also kept a log book of all data then let my endo review it.
It worked for me. Dont worry…Im sure things will work out for you too. Diabetes can be a hard work but Its worth it if you love life.
thank you
I need a lot more education on meds. I just blindly take what they prescribed for me.
Thanks for the info, I will be asking a lot more in my follow-up vist next month.
I have lost about 11 pounds and my BG average is usually 80, it was in the 300s on my first visit.
i will check this out.
I am so clueless right now, its very frustrating…
JNH, don’t get discouraged. Quitting the cigars could have caused a slight weight gain you know. Lifestyle change doesn’t happen overnight. Stick with it and keep posting and we’ll all figure it out together.
I just got diagnosed in January and did the whole switch-around too. I have good days and bad but we march on.
Manny, please give me some zone tips.