Anyone else get caugt up in the new driver's license snare ups for low blood sugars. The problem is they don't allow any so you have to perfect for the rest of your life and no doctor wants to sign off on the form for fear of being sued. Any comments. Anyone know diabetics that can't drive now ? What do you have to do to convince your doctor that youre safe to drive? any suggestions? i think im interested in wearng the dexcom 7 plus cgm. maybe that is the answer. any comments.
Not sure how the law reads. What is the new law? Do you have hypoglycemia unawareness?
When I moved back to CA in 2000, I told them I was diabetic, so they made me take this form to my doctor. The doctor was asked to fill out the form with questions like “does your patient have any condition or take any medication which may affect their driving?” So my doctor, of course said “yes”. A nurse called me and told me they would have to deny me a drivers license. I asked “So you don’t let any diabetics drive in California?”. She said “that’s not true.” I said anyone with diabetes, hypoglycemia, or hyperglycemia has a condition which could potentially affect their driving. That does not mean that I am irresponsible. They let me have it. I haven’t heard from them since, but perhaps I need to keep my fingers crossed.
Honestly I would not bother telling them. I have a friend with epilepsy she has never had a fit during the day when on her meds, she does have them when she sleeps and if she drinks not often 1 or 2 a year she does not tell the DMV. My mother has gone low enough times while driving that I have asked officers when I picked up the car if the would please write her a reckless driving or driving while impaired ticket. They don’t see a reason since the worst she has hit is her mail box. I remember one time picking her up about an hour south of me and the LEO who found her was a T-1 and was laughing about he did the same about a year ago in his cruiser.
I refuse to tell the DMV anything the lose of Consciousness question is BS cause anyone who has drank way to much has reached that point, The Government has no rights to your medical records. so you have nothing to worry about.
im from southborough, ma. i had a couple of low bloodsugars and now i cant get anyone to write a note for me. have an appt with somebody on monday. have to convnce them that have good control of my diabetes, here is the link for you. how do u manage your diabetes. dan.
its kind of unfaair cus t bascally says if you have low b/s they can take your license away for 6 mos. like a dwi
I live in Mass…Have you been caught with low blood behind the wheel before? When he pulled you over was it for an infraction? Did you get a ticket and does he know your a diabetic? Did they PC you and give you a blood test?
the reason i got screwed is because had two low b/s withn 2 wks after i started a new job at nght. what does pc u mean? he wrote that im a an immedate medcal threat. have an appt wth endocrnologst on monday. hopefully i can convince them that I am safe to drive. no accdents or tickets. cop submitted somethng to dmv
I’m in MA and I recently renewed my license. I had no problems. What new standards are you talking about? The standards were pretty easy to meet when I renewed in Septemeber. Just no severe low blood sugars that resulted in unconsciousness or hospitalizations. I’ve had a few bad lows (in the 20s) but never lost consciousness and I feel that I meet the standards very clearly and unambiguously. MA is a self reporting state so you or your doc are responsible for sharing with the DMV.
I thought that School Bus Drivers are the only licence class that basically can’t be on insulin.
well i accdentally had one behind the wheel. had food in my car. and cop submtted report to dmv. my current dr wont sign anythng so im gong to see a new dr on monday. the laws suck now. cus they can screw u over even f you diabetes s controlled. if dr doesnt want to help u out. ive nver been screwed like this before been out of work four days already.
Thats not a new law. It’s been that way for a while and if you did have an issue while driving, especially that it was affecting your driving enough to be noticed by a cop, maybe you should need a doctor to sign off that you are not hypo unaware.
well when they stop all diabetics from driving a car you ll be a lttle more sympathetic. i accdentally didnt eat enough carbs. anyway i think if i get that cgm i wll be fine.
It sucks that it happened to you but it’s just like the alcoholics on the road. Sorry I had too many beers I didn’t think it would affect me this way. No matter how you look at it your responsible for your condition behind the wheel. Low blood under the influence it’s all the same just different consequences. Pass out from a low or driinking too much and kill someone else…the end result is the same. Testing takes precedence over everything else we have to do in life.