So today was my appointment with my new Endocrinologist at the diabetes center that I have gone to since the beginning of my diagnosis (7 years). I was anxious about starting this whole process over again. But when it was my turn, he called my name and introduced himself and gave me a welcoming smile and handshake. I know this sounds a bit corny, but first impressions are meaningful and I just felt like this doc was a warm individual. I didn't realize just how much my last one seemed so cold and off limits. I mean I knew that was part of the problem, but it was certainly put into perspective today.
We sat in his office and recapped my medical history and my diagnosis. I have to say I was relieved and at ease. I know that nothing is ever perfect and the chances of having challenges in regards to my care will most likely occurr. But before wrapping things up he made sure to tell me that if I needed anything, to email him and to call if it was urgent. My other endo almost always deferred me to the CDE except when the CDE was unavailable.
What a concept...available to his patients if they needed him.
Oh...almost A1c was 5.4 with few lows. My only letdown was I did lose 2 more pounds. Grrrrrr!!! But for once I didn't have a doc that made my weight the biggest issue.