I would like to start a discussion about the new OmniPod. I just started last Monday Feb. 9th and so far it has been great - what freedom. When I first diagnosed they were still testing urine with the tablets and test tube. Amazing to think we are here today with the new technology. I’ve only had one Pod failure and I was able to bring my sugars down in a couple of hours with no DKA.
since podding, I’ve invested in a bunch of medical tape to ensure that the pod stays on me, especially since i move around a lot. I’ve had a couple of failures, but that’s because I put them on the back of my arms–my CDE says I have too much muscle there (compliment or affliction, hmmm??) haha. My favorite spot now is my lower back, but I do miss showing it off to random strangers and answering their questions when they say, “what is that?!” haha
oh, I love your post. I have been showing everyone - my friend at work said I have to stop flashing everyone.
I just put it on my lower back Wednesday and I’m loving that spot. What kind of medical tape do you use? I’m thinking that would be helpful in the summer and when I start yoga again, which I’m hoping will be soon.
I have been podding since september 08, and I truly hate myself for waiting so long, diabetic for 17 years, I guess I was just waiting for the pump that fit me best. I have had several problems but I am still working with this and I would never go back to MDI. I love my pod!!! good luck and congrat on your pod
Hey there and welcome to life as an omnipoder. =)
I am going on a year of being on the pod (diabetic since 2001) and my life hasn’t been the same since. Quality of life has drastically improved. I know there are people who are frustrated with with how often they’ve had pod failures, however I wouldn’t trade my pod for anything. Also, after a few pod failures and being upset that 150 units of insulin were wasted, I tried drawing the insulin back out and that works great. I am completely stuck on wearing the pod on my lower back, it’s my favorite spot so far and not easily noticed.
Hello Red…I’ve been using the pod for one month and one day now. I love seeing more and more of us experiencing this freedom!! After applying the pod exclusively on my abdomen, I discovered that I prefer it on my back. It’s not the easiest place for me to apply it though as I’ve had two serious shoulder surgeries and I’m not as flexible as I was. I definitely have no problems with the pod sticking… ripped off some skin the first time that I removed my pod!! YIKES!!! I now use baby oil and pre-soak it prior to removal. Report your pod failures to Insulet and they’ll replace it/them. I actually had my pod scream at me; and my PDM actually said “Pod failure”. I called and told the rep the number that was associated with the “?” on the alert screen along with the number on my pod. We are family. Welcome newbie…
Hey Janice,
Ya, I still can’t believe the freedom you have with this. I’m wearing it on my back and so far it’s my favorite place. My numbers are much better but I still struggle with my carb ratio. Want to work more with the food settings. I like the fact that you can program meals in the pdm. Takes the thinking out of it and I eat a lot of similar meals during the week.
I know what you mean. I was like a kid with a new toy when I discovered that you can add your favs into the Food Library. It surely makes mealtime a much smoother process. I love this site. I have someone who I am trying to get to join. He has been on insulin for over 30 yrs. When he told me that his doctor DOES NOT repeat DOES NOT want him to check his BG levels ever…I was speechless!!! What the ----??? There is a big diabetes seminar in October; and he has agreed to attend. Maybe he will seek a second opinion before then as I urged. Geez!!!
And yes we can hopefully get these problems fixed all new technology has flaws and I am willing to accept that and continue with my pod that I love so much…
I live on the border between Illinois and Iowa…on Interstate 80. The seminar is in Moline, Il. It’s one of the towns collectively called the Quad Cities. The Quads also includes Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa. The Mark (of the Quad Cities) now renamed The I-Wireless—hate the commercialism…is the venue. My endos host the event; and bring in speakers from all over the US. Each has a presentation, followed by audience discussion, on various topics associated with diabetes. It also includes vendors and a luncheon. It’s an all day event. Lots of freebies, too!!
Oops!! forgot the answer the doctor question. He has NOT adjusted his insulin in 30 years. He said that the reason the doctor does NOT want him to check is because he does not want him to be adjusting his insulin…NUTS!!!
Yes, I would recommend the OmniPod. It has given me so much freedom. It’s not perfect, I have had a handful of pod failures but you just have to know how to respond and be willing to change them when needed.
I was on minimed about 11 years ago and the tubing was not for me. This give me the benefits of a pump and the freedom of wireless technology.
I am happy so far and would recommend the Omnipod also, but have no other experience with pumping to compare…In 3 replacements, I did have a pod that wouldn’t activate. I just sucked out what insulin I could, filled a new one and started over. I could see that being a problem when traveling…having to bring a few spares, but is that different from any system? I am still getting it all down and will have to remember to take spares and back up insulin and needles when away from home for more than a short while.