so looping is basically the method of the insulin pump & cgm being able to talk to each other, in order to make automatic decisions - right?
that blows my mind then that they would make an insulin pump that doesn’t have a specific app made for it speak to the cgm… kinda defeats the purpose
but yes at this stage the only option that has a possibility of getting approved is the medtronic mini med 780g, together with the guardian 4 cgm.
my appeal has now been with my medical insurance for 1 week now, which my medical broker says is a good thing cause they didn’t just say no, they are actually really considering it this time, so fingers crossed
I appreciate all the info you’ve given, I’ll definitely keep it on hand, thank you @roger5
you are correct…looping or android artificial pancreas system makes most of the algorithms decisions on the cgm and carb input, however, aaps will account for unauthorized meals, but it seems to be a lot quicker if you manually input your meals…one issue seems to be the different companies making cgms, pumps, with the exception of Medtronic, as well as programming all the different phones and watches to work with each other in the background at all times without draining the battery crashing, etc…right now, aaps and loop allows you to bolus for meals, or hyperglycemia on your watch, while tandem and omnipod5 have no watch options…although i do not have any experience with medtronics new pump and guardian software…