New to pump therapy

Is anyone out there just starting pump therapy and using the omnipod? I need to talk to another beginner.

My son started in August and it was our first pump - I don’t know if that counts . . .

My son (12 yo) just started 2 weeks ago. So far so good. Pod changes are getting a little less stressful. How are you doing?

I just started 25 days ago or so. I did not anticipate how hard it would be to sleep with the pod!

I’ve been using the Pod for about a month, so I’m pretty new too. It’s also my first pump. I’ve only been dealing with diabetes since September 2008, so I’m pretty new to the whole thing.

I’ve actually been on the pod for just over a year now but it was my first pump so I definitely remember the beginning process well (and can promise that it gets easier and better as you go)! Feel free to message me anytime if you need help, advice, or just to vent about the process! :slight_smile:

We started about a year ago very soon after diagnosis. We have been using the OmniPod for the last year. Happy to help!

I started in September 2009. Omnipod was my first pump. Before that I was on MDI with no control (35 - 450 in a single day).

So glad there are others starting as well. It’s been almost three months for me and I’m waiting for it to get easier. I had the whole injections thing down ( I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago) but the pod/ pdm seems to scare me. I was told over and over again I would love it. I’m so afraid i’ll have to change a pod while not at home. Changing pods in general make me nervous.

Christine, I always carry a couple extra pods and my insulin with me when I go far from home. Once or twice I’ve had problems and been without pods though. The worst time I was at a musical, realized at intermission that I had an occlusion alarm going off (probably for the last hour!), and I didn’t have any pods or extra insulin with me. I did, however, have some syringes in the car from back in my shots days so I pulled the pod off, managed to suck out some of the insulin with a syringe, shot myself, and went back in to enjoy the play. It was scary but made me more confident that in an emergency I could handle it. :slight_smile:

I’ve been on the pump less than a week. Not just new to the Omnipod, but new to pumping as whole!

Really? I’m not having a problem at all sleeping. I don’t notice it! Do certain spots bother you? Might be a little harder if it’s on your arm I bet…

Christine - don’t let the pod changes scare you, what could go wrong that you wouldn’t know about right away? And, remembering that the insulin in the pod will remain in your system for two hours before running out, that will buy you time to head home, or a comfortable place to change pods. If I were shopping and ever needed to change a pod, I wouldn’t even bother trying to do so in the bathroom, I would just cut the trip short and go home for a change. I have a syringe in with my meter just in case!

If I lay on it, it hurts. And while I am mostly a right side sleeper, I am now discovering that I do roll to my back and left side throughout the night. I have discovered that from rolling over on the pod and waking up. The arms are definitely the worst, but I am still working on good placement points on my arms for the pod.

What do you mean by the insulin will remain in my system for two hours? If I have an occlusion, are you talking about the basal it delivered lasting for two hours before the occlusion? I would avoid changing in a public bathroom if at all possible. I used to be a runner until this winter and now I can’t see myself going for a run without all my “supplies”. I read all the stories about people doing everything they want to . I just can’t find the courage yet to try.
I to notice the pod during the night while sleeping. Arm for me is better than butt. Thank you to everyone for this support.


Maybe you could carry an insulin pen with Novolog or other fast acting to get you by if you have a failure away from home. My son doesn’t have much body fat but he is able to wear the pod on his hip/love handle area kind of in the bend of his waist. That might be an area that doesn’t get alot of pressure when you sleep. Be sure to do the pinch up when you do the insertion. I am amazed at how little fat is needed.

Anyone please correct me if my thinking is wrong here - Christine, the way I look at it is this - my insulin being delivered through a bolus or basal peaks 2 hours after the bolus or basal was delivered, so right now, my blood sugars reflect insulin received 2 hours ago. SO, I tell myself that if I am out and about and something happens, or my pod falls off, my body is not instantly without insulin, I am not going to go into a diabetic coma on the spot. It just gives me peace of mind. And yes, the flipside means once I do get a new pod on, there will be “make up” work to be done to counteract the amount of time I was without a pod. Make any sense???

Don’t give up on running! What supplies did you take with you before? Can you start back up with boring runs around the block, or on a treadmill somewhere to get your confidence of exercising with the pod?

I started the OmniPod about a month ago, so yes I am pretty new!

I very much agree with KCF’s philosophy - we don’t have to be overly worried about being tethered to our pods and e certainly should not let our worries turn an inconvenient situation into an “emergency.”
I wrote about this a while back here. The bottom line: it’s no big deal if you have to go an hour or two without a pod; it ain’t gonna kill you!

As for not wanting to change away from home, I think it will come with time. After you’ve done enough pod changes, you’ll get so comfortable and confident that it won’t really matter. Even so, I always change at the same time, in the morning (usually) after a shower and before I get dressed. That way, I’m almost always at home for pod changes.

I prefer to change pods at home, for sure, but one died on me in the middle of Barnes and Noble a few days ago, and I changed it for a new one in the ladies. It’s all still pretty new, and I’m not that comfortable with the process yet, but I managed. Go me!

Probably helps that I don’t give a toot what people think…