New to the group

Hi all,
Just found this site and have spent the past 3 plus hours reading past discussions. I found some very useful info. My son was dx’d Sept. of this year. His name is Jacob and he is 10 years old. He was VERY high when he was first dx’d, and had to be lifelined to Riley, Indianapolis, Indiana. He was basically comatose by the time I got him to our local ER. It started with him vomiting, I thought he had the stomach flu. After dx I realized that he had been showing signs for several weeks; wetting the bed, drinking alot.
All-in-all he has done very well with all the adjustments. His school has been very supportive. He is doing injections at least four times daily, uses Novalog and Lantus. We count carbs, and I keep a daily log of what food he is eating. So far he has been very good at recognizing when he is low. He has learned to draw up his insulin and give his own injections. He does this with supervision at school and I currently am drawing up and giving at home. He is learning to figure his food dosage and has learned the carb counts on most of his favorite foods. He also knows how to calculate his corrective dose. His figures are always doubled checked before he gives insulin. He has grown up so much in the past six months!! We are just now beginning to think about pumping. His MD wants to wait a year.
I’m really worried about the summer, he goes to a day camp 5 days a week while I work and we will no longer have the security of having a nurse on site, as he does at school. He will need to rely on himself alot as the counselors have never had anyone at camp who has diabetes. I will need to teach the counselors what they need to know to help him. I’m not sure that I’m ready to teach someone else.
Diabetes really scares me!! I worry about him all the time. And haven’t slept much since he was dx’d. Dad takes no responsibility for any of his d care.
I’m glad to find this site to take to other parents.
Is there a good site that my son can visit? I don’t want him to feel alone as he is learning to live with diabetes.

Hi Renaee, my son will be 10 in November and was diagnosed 8 years ago. I am amazed at what your son is already doing. He sounds very responsible.

Michael was in day care centers with diabetes with no nurses on site. There are so many people out there willing to learn. I could tell the difference between someone who had an interest in taking care of my son and going that extra step to make sure he was safe with his diabetes. And there were times when we went searching for a new day care and just walked out because of their ignorance. It is possible for someone to learn how to care for your son and not be a nurse. If they are interested at his summer camp in what you are telling them about his diabetes then they will probably take very good care of him. Is it possible for him to have a cell phone to stay in touch with you? Or access to a phone? If you don’t feel comfortable are there other summer camps you could look into?

When we moved from Texas to Florida we had to visit a lot of day care centers and we visited 10 of them before we found one we were comfortable with. As his mother you’ll know what’s best for him.

Since our boys are the same age and my son has some experience with diabetes maybe they could email each other? My sons email address is

Pumping is a personal choice and I’ve had 2 experiences with that. Our endo in Texas didn’t want him on the pump because of his age. At the time he was 5. I was very disappointed because we were ready. When we moved to Florida I asked our new endo and within 6 months of seeing that dr. we were on the pump. We’ve been pumping successfully for 4 years now. You need the endo’s support to start pumping but my opinion is that it should be your family’s choice.

Hi Stephanie
Jake is fairly responsible, he still needs alot of follow along, and I’m sure that he will for along time. I just want him to know as much as he can so that he can be as independent as possible. His school nurse has worked with him quite a bit to get him where he’s at. I tend to do to much for him.
He does have a cell phone. We added him to our plan as a Christmas gift, as I wanted to be able to be in touch with him at all times. This has helped me feel more comfortable when he is playing in the neighborhood.
I’m sure that he’ll do fine at summer camp. Once we get everything in place. I’ll give Jake Michael’s e-mail address.

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that my son goes to a private school that doesn’t have any nurses. I went in and taught his teacher how to do everything and gave her a notebook full of information. He is on the pump and she boluses him every day at snack and lunch. Hopefully you will find someone at daycare that is willling to take on the responsibility of helping your son.

I’m glad you found us.

Hi Renaee, you came to the right place!
I also have a 10 year old son, Noah who was diagnosed in 2005, and our boys sound so similar!
Just to give you and idea of our timeline:
Noah also started on Lantus and Novolog- using syringes (at that time, he was barely 7, so we did all injections) Then he moved onto the insulin pen, which was an awesome milestone and more convenient to use. If Jacob is getting more comfortable injecting, a pen might be a good alternative to using syringes at camp for him.
Most doctors will take you through the paces of getting comfortable and familiar with the more traditional ways of delivering insulin before they will sign off on pump use. For us, it was a little over a year since diagnosis (and after the passing of the honeymoon stage) that Noah went on the pump.
I hope you find lots of useful info and support here, I know I did.
Take care, and hi to Jacob

Hi Penny
I’m glad I found you also. I have spoken to the daycamp supervisor and they are very willing to learn. I’m just nervous about the change that’s all. I know that it will work out and he will be fine. Looking forward to everyone advice on here.

Hi Lea and Noah
I have already found lots of useful info here. As I said in my first log I spent a good 3 plus hours reading past posts. It was great. Jacob has a pen but we are currently struggling with the insurance company as the will pick up the cartridges/insulin but don’t want to pay for the needles for the pen, which doesn’t make alot of sense. I hate to but we may decide to purchase the needles so that he can at least use the pen at daycamp. Have you found an easy way for Noah to carry a snack with him all the time? Jacob has friends that he plays with in the neighborhood and I would really like for him to carry something with him but haven’t found a good way to do that. He was carrying candy in his pocket but I’ve washed candy several times.
Thanks for the welcome.
Renaee and Jacob

Insurance companies can be so a** backwards! I may have a spare box of pen needles kicking around. If the sizes are right, i will send them to you if you’d like. It’s late here to go digging in the closets, but tomorrow I’ll let you know what kind I’ve got.

That would be great. Jacob has a Novapen Jr. I read where some people have reused the needle. I’m sure this is not recommended but did you ever try this?

hi Renaee,
I didn’t forget you! I’m still searching- we have been doing some renovations around here, and things here are not where they were a month ago.

I personally wouldn’t use it more than once. (lancets, yes, because you can swab it off and because they’re just for piercing, and not hollow)
syringes are hollow tipped and will hang on to old insulin in the tip, blood and tissue, which is like Studio 54 for bacteria. I just think, why chance an infection on someone who’s immune system is already compromised, ya know?

Hi Lea
That was my thoughts on reusing an old needle. I guess if it came down to a I must do this or not get insulin a person would resort to re-using but I think it sounds pretty risky.
Don’t feel bad about the time frame thing. I have been working on this off and on since September but just get busy and it goes to the back burner. I would like to get the pen in place for summer day camp so I will be checking again with my insurance company and the pharmacy. Like I said if need be we’ll purchase, at least so Jake can use at day camp.

Hi Renaee,
I feel so bad, I can’t find them anywhere, I’m so sorry. I’ve been digging through every closet and have no idea what could have happened to them!

Hi Lea
Don’t feel bad. I am constantly putting things away to I remember “were it’s at if I ever need it” and then… And then when I least expect it “wow I was looking for that” when I no longer have a need for it.

Hey Renaee,

My daughter is 10, almost 11, and we’ve been going to summer school, or day camp since she was diagnosed at age 6. We did (and still do) go in and talk to each one of her teachers, gave them a hand out with some basic diabetes info and specific info about how to recognize a low, what to do, etc. Being a girl she is able to carry her meter, glucogon, glocose tabs, juice, etc in a small purse. It is a bit nerve racking at first, sort of sending your child out alone to deal with all the diabetes related issues, but hopefully the teachers/counselors are there as a safety net. If your son had a friend who was going to camp with him that knew about his diabetes that might be helpful. Is that an option?

Good luck. Take care.