New to Tu Diabetes? Here are some things you can do

After you have answered the registration survey questions (there’s been a few questions added to it in the past few weeks, such as “Last A1C” and “What do you do for a living?”) and you have read the Terms of Use, there are many things you can do:

-Customize your “My Page. This page is great for sharing more about yourself.

At the very least, add a photo instead of the default hand image. You can add a photo to it (clicking on the “Change My Profile Photo” link at the top right)

You can click on the “Edit” button in the box at the top and make it an “About Me” section. You can also do a blog post from here and read the comments that other people leave you in your Comment Wall. Any blog posts you write are displayed along with the other 5 most recent posts on the home page.

Some members have gotten very creative and also changed the page appearance (you can do this by clicking on the “Edit Page Appearance” link at the top.

-Explore the Groups: there are various groups that have been set up by other members. Some of them are regional, some of them are thematic. You can join as many groups as you want or you can create new ones if you don’t find one that suits your needs. Inside each group, you can communicate with the other members in a more “private” space and hold discussions that are group-specific (these discussions are not displayed on the home page).

-Join and Participate in our Chat Room: To chat with other members, you have to request an invite the first time. Chat Times are: 9 PM EST, 9 PM GMT and 9 PM Local Sidney time.

-Check out the Videos: you can view videos that others have added and add your own. Tu Diabetes allows you to paste YouTube videos as well as your videos, from your own computer, if you prefer. All the videos can be linked to or embedded into your personal blogs or other sites, if you so want to. You can view the latest videos posted by other members (and yourself) on the home page too.

-Picture anyone? Photos for everybody!: same as with videos. The most recent 50 photos are displayed on a slideshow in the home page, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg… There’s SO many photos, you can be looking at them all day and not be done. You can choose to upload your own too.

-As you are exploring photos, also make sure to take a photo of yours for the “Word in your Hand” Project.

-Forum to Discuss: the forum is broken down by categories. In the main Forum page only the most recent discussions are displayed, so if you are looking for more topics about, say, Type 1 Diabetes, click on the heading for the section and you will see many, many more threads going on. You can do this or you can also search the forums, to see if the particular topic you are looking for information on has been discussed already. If not, you can always start your own discussion. The discussions with the most recent comments (and the most recent discussions) are displayed on the home page, below the photo slideshow.

-Invite others: Last, after you have spent some time on the site, why not invite others to join? You can click on the Invite tab to do this. Also, we don’t mind if you link to the site from your blog or other sites. The more members, the merrier!

Any other suggestions? Well… in any case, this is bidding you a BIG welcome and a great and useful time here in Tu Diabetes!

Manny, thank you for all of this. I am Not a computer geek, so I might have to ask you questions later… THANK YOU, YHANK YOU, THANK YOU for setting this all up! If you want to know more about me see my blog - particularly the very first post. i explain where I have lived, when diabetes started, etc etc

I am glad to hear that, Heidi. Anything you run into or see that you feel could be improved or added, feel free to post it in this other thread:

This is fantastic! I’m so impressed by your work on such a well thought out and put together site! Thank you very much for it all!

Thanks for the kind words, Kristin!!

Kristin is an excellent friend of mine. She is the writer whom I told you about.

I love the site, but have a quick question. Does anyone on a Mac using Safari have a hard time formatting their posts or blogs? For some reason, all my sentences run together no matter what I’ve tried.

Thanks for the welcome Manny. I am also not a computer geek, but I have been bouncing around and I think I just may have found the most helpful site for me. I think I have found a new hobby, Thank you.

I am glad to hear you’re finding the site useful, Mia!

Thanks for the welcome…I will try and learn my way arount this site, and add more to my pictures, etc.
Have a good day!! Jollijude

Thanks for the info. One thing I haven’t figured out yet is are all responses done by email between the members, or is there a forum type response available where its done at the website?

You can communicate with other members by sending them messages (which ultimately are sent to the e-mail accounts they have set up with the site). Also, depending on the other member’s privacy/e-mail settings they may get a notification (or not) when you post in reply to them in the forum, in a blog post or leave a comment on one of their photos, videos or their comment wall.

If you go to the Forum, for instance, you can start a new discussion or participate in existing ones. If you want to get e-mails when other people reply to that topic, just click on the link at the bottom of the page, that reads “Follow – Email me when people reply”.

Does this help?

Manny: Is there a way not to get emails but have the responses posted to the forum?
Thanks, Mike

You have complete control over what types of messages you receive or not. Click on “Privacy & Email Settings” and adjust things according to your needs.

Let me know if this helps,

Thanks I’ll give that a shot.

Hi Manny,

I don’t understand why my comments on my own page are in blue and they aren’t colored on other people’s pages. I can’t find in “Customize My Page” anything about this. Maybe it’s part of the Themes?

Also, I don’t understand what the red X’s mean.


The red "X"s let you delete the items you have entered: posts, comments, etc.

The best way to interact with others through your Comment Wall (and theirs) is to click on “Comment Back” under the post they leave you, when someone writes to you. That way, your comment appears on THEIR comment wall which they are more likely to visit often. It’s a bit odd at first, but after a couple of them you get the hang of it.

If you want to see the “conversation” between you and the other person, click on the other link (View Thread). In that page you can also reply and your reply will appear on the other person’s Comment Wall.

As for how your comments appear in other people’s pages, you have no control over that. Basically it depends on how each member chooses to customize their page with Themes.

My question was why my comments on my own page appear in blue. I can’t find where to change that.

Blue background? That means they are yours (to have them stand out from the other people’s). When I go to your page, I see my comments with a blue background.

Does that answer your question?

Yup. I began to wonder if that was it, blue background plus red X’s go together. But I was hornswoggled to begin with. But wait! My comments on this page aren’t blue.

No: it’s only for the comments on the Comment Wall. :slight_smile:

I know… it’s a big of an inconsistency. :S