My purpose for signing on to this website was to find other parents of diabetics who I can relate to, and them to me. Sometimes it's frustrating trying to explain things to other parents and they have no idea what you are talking about. I hope that this helps me vent some frustrations.
My Daughter is 10 years old, will be 11 in February. It has been a struggle just in the last 6 months for me to "let go" a little bit and let her do more things with out me with her. This is something I am not comfortable with doing and I feel as though no one understands. I get questions like "if she wasn't diabetic would you let her go?" Well that answer is probably I would but I don't have that option and her being diabetic does have a big impact on sleep overs, play dates, etc...It's very frustrating because she has gone over to a friends house to hang out and what not and inevitably, when she gets home her Blood Glucose is high. Then I just feel like I'm lecturing her, again. I know it's only going to get worse the older she gets and I'm trying to teach her everything she needs to know so she can take care of herself. I constantly worry though that something is going to happen and I'm not going to be there to help her......