Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with LADA about five weeks ago at age 37. I presented with the classic excessive thirst, urination, and weight loss, which I attributed to the stress of moving across country and resettling a family. My fasting glucose was 261, so my PCP ordered an AIC and GAD65, which came back with and A1C was 11.3 and very high levels of GAD antibodies.
I was immediately started on twenty units of Lantus and 500mg of Metformin (2x). My A1C came down to 8.8 in about four weeks, which is when I had my first Endo appointment. The endo added 1mg of Glimepiride to help bring down post-prandial spikes that were still happening (up to 250 after meals). It seems to be working well, as I am almost always below 180 after meals now and able to eat more carbs too. (But not too many of course.)
In my adult life, I probably went to the doctor about 12 times, usually just for antibiotics or other minor illnesses. So, it’s been weird to spend so much time at the doctor, pharmacy, reading Think Like a Pancreas and the Joslin guide and dozens of websites, testing and testing, etc. I guess more than anything, I’m annoyed at how much mental energy goes into this. I know it’s necessary and I’ll do it, but part of me is like, “why couldn’t I get something that isn’t so damn high maintenance?”
On the other hand, I’m lucky that it’s something manageable. I really like both my primary care and my endo; they have both spent lots of time answering questions and listening and they both have a sense of humor, which to me, is absolutely imperative. And after living in very remote locations for most of my life (with very poor access to doctors), I now live 25 minutes from Dartmouth hospital. So I’m trying to be thankful for how many resources I have.
I don’t really have burning questions. We haven’t done a Peptide test, but since I am already clearly LADA, there doesn’t seem to be any real reason. From what I gather, there is no way to determine how long your remaining beta cells will hang on anyway, right? You’ll just see poorer control with the same techniques as they die out? Anyway, thanks for reading.