Having issues with my night time BG. My BG seems to be rising and peaks around midnight then lowers until morning. I normally wouldn’t question this but I have increased my night time basal to almost 3x as my 7pm basal rate. My last meal is around 6pm eating around 60g of carbs with less than 15g of fat. Any ideas or suggestions?
Are you eating a particularly large amount of protein at dinner? Protein can digest over a much longer time and cause an extended blood sugar rise.
It would all fit, an extended rise in blood sugars, but your basal seems high enough to bring you down later in the night. And of course, you are from Texas.
Do the BG stay relatively flat with the basal adjustment? I usually have some kind of "basal bump" in the middle of the night, or maybe more towards the end of the night? Lately, I've cut it back but last fall, I ran into a situation where for 4-6 weeks, I ended up running about 50% more than normal?
I think my problem is basal related with maybe an issue with digestion in the evening. My 7pm basal rate is 0.75 then I go to 2 units after 10pm until midnight when my BG starts ramping up. I am wondering if there might be some insulin resistance going on at night. During the daytime my basal is set for 0.4
Has your schedule or sleep patterns changed? Are you waking up in the night? If your rhythms got disturbed, then maybe the Darn Phenomenon monster is coming early to make your life miserable.
I have noticed it also depends on what I am doing after my last meal. If I'm camped out on the couch watching TV or reading a book, I will notice a rise around 10 pm. If I'm active doing things after my last meal, usually not an issue.