No More BD Glucose Tabs

I beleive the Seinfeld charcters pretty much run the world.



rick phillips

that was my gut response, too

I could be wrong, but the last I had heard, Dex4 manufactures every glucose tab on the market right now (esp. w/ BD stepping out) no matter what the brand name says. If you shop at walgreens and you buy their brand, it’s still Dex4…just w/ a different label.

I agree that jelly beans and smarties can def. be more flavorful and enjoyable when low :slight_smile:

I tried Dex4 once in orange,and never tried a glucose tab again,not that I mind,but it’s not available in my area
I still have 6 glucose tabs from the first orange one,ugh!
it was so chalky,if I have low I get nauseated, I don’t need something to push me off the edge!
but I would be happy to try another flavor (not a huge fan of orange)
cuurently,I use juice,Capri-sun,I like the strawberry flavour so much,and works pretty well for me :slight_smile:

Hi Dave,

You are crazy. Happy? If I used your skittles, I’d do nothing but eat and eat and eat. Must learn self control…

Cheers, Mike

p.s. – With regards to this actual discussion thread…the ReliOn brand is stocked at Walmart, at a cost of not quite $5.00 per 50 count jar.

Do you know how many bags of skittles I can eat if I set my mind to it?

A lot…

Cheers, Mike

I stopped using he chalk several years ago. Skittles, Swedish Fish and Sour Patch candies are packaged in small packages at Easter and Halloween. I buy them then and they last throughout the year. The Fish and Patch’s are less carbos than the skittles, and the skittles are produced in two different sizes. The packages last for, well, years stashed in odd places.

They range in size from 12 to 10 grams of carbos and they can be melt in your mouth for quicker absorption like the tablets.

They are a lot easier to eat, carry and stash…and the pack limits the amount during the consumption experience like the tabs.

I agree! I have these everywhere, in my purse, in my car, in a bowl at home… We call them “Rockets” in Canada but they are fantastic for correctly a low quickly. They don’t melt or freeze. :slight_smile: A juice box is usually too much carbs for me to use just to correct a low. Same with chocolate bars and they do melt or freeze. Can’t beat them for portability!

I actually liked the flavor…odd, I know:) but, stopped using them because they were harder than the newer tabs. I now use Smarties most of the time…like the flavor, like I can take whatever I need (1/2 a role usually gets me up 10mg/dl), and NOT expensive. Only problem is my niece (2yo) wants to dig through my purse and eat them!

I love Jelly Bellies!! They are so juicy and sweet and flavorful, that I cannot stop eating them when I am treating a low, so I use the Reli-on Glucose tabs, or the CVS brand. I like sour apple and grape the best… But I will not go overboard on these tabs like with jelly beans…,

God Bless,

Sucks for the market in terms of competitiveness, but I prefer Dex4 anyway.

I cant believe they’re discontinuing the tabs! They tasted so good!

I really like the Dex4 better, and there are more flavors. Watermelon and Rasberry are downright delicious, not chalky at all. And I keep the liquid Dex4 shots by my bed for quick action during nighttime lows.

Well, I think the one thing they could do is make the tab rolls lid a bit better. After a few months of rolling around in the bottom of my purse, those caps that just slide tend to come loose, then I’ve got a problem when I need them in a pinch, the only time I use G-tabs is when it’s too much of a pain to go find cheaper carbs. Wal mart’s reli on makes the best tab case, it’s kind of tight, has almost a snug fitting extra plastic piece and is a lot better than the other tabs-but for whatever reason, they seem to only be available in the assorted tropical fruit flavor pack, and the cocomut ones are GROSS!

I’ve been known to replace G tabs with smarties in that packet, or put them in those M & M mini’s roll containers. A whole lot cheaper, and it eliminates the issue of having the smarties roll break in the bottom of the purse : )

One word “SMARTIES”. LOL

I liked the BD tabs too. But I don’t mind the Dex4 - especially the grape flavor.