Hi folks. Yesterday I spent all day fighting with my dex... It started in the morning with ??? and I tried to wait it out. Of course, I've only been using a cgm for a short time so am no expert. After 3 hours of ???, I called Dexcom. As I began talking to the CSR a value popped up on my dex so I thought problem solved right? Wrong.
The dex plotted several data points then went back to ???. After another hour I began to get values again but no trend arrows. Another call to Dexcom to see if there was something I could try or if it was best to just replace the sensor. This CSR told me there were no trend arrows because the dex could not caluculate it at that time but that was not a reason to remove the sensor. At the end of my work day, I called Dexcom one last time to tell them that I had wasted an entire day with no data from my dexcom. The person who answered the phone told me they would look into it and call me back in 10 minutes....no return phone call.
When I got home from work I just gave up and changed the sensor. Everything seems to be working fine now with the new sensor other than the values being slightly off. This morning I called Dexcom to let them know that nobody ever called me back and that I had wasted a sensor.
The CSR I talked to this time told me that sometimes there won't be trend arrows because the dex can't calculate it at that time. I said "this is normal for it to happen for hours??" and her response was yes. She went on to say that they normally will not replace a sensor for lack of trend arrows because "it happens". She did replace my sensor because she said the reason for the lack of trend arrows in my case probably had something to do with the ???.
This makes no sense to me that the documentation calls the dexcom a "trending tool" but if there are no trend arrows, they don't consider that a reason to change the sensor?? Do you follow that logic because I sure can't? Without the trend arrows, the dex is not fulfilling what it is designed to do is it?
When I said as much to the CSR, all she could say was "I know".
Anybody else have this happen?