Nutritional information for recipes

Does anyone have a web site where you can type a recipe out and you will get the nutritional information? I have a homemade one, but this couple make things easier. Thank you for your help.

Myfitnesspal website (or app) is the easiest to use, in my opinion, and I use it multiple times a day. I punch in recipes, fiddle a little bit to make sure quantities and ingredients are right, and then use the nutritional info per serving as my guide to eating. Works really well. Think you have to sign up for a free account ( to take the recipe builder for a spin, but I can show you what it looks like after you punch things in:

This is part of my “recipe box” (so if I make the same thing again I can use the nutritional info more easily)

This is what it looks like after you’ve either imported or punched in the ingredients and amounts. This is a recipe I modified (by subbing almond flour for flour, using dark chocolate for baker’s chocolate, adding some unsweetened cocoa, and subbing erythritol for sugar):

Note the detailed nutritional info to the right of the ingredient list. Incidentally, these brownies are really good for only having 4g net carbs per serving :slight_smile: They’re even almost brownie like! (More cookie like in fact).

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Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for.

I’ve been looking for this too. Thanks for the post!!