Eros were the old model of pod that ran on the classic omnipod insulin pump. You could loop. I actually would have stayed on classic omnipod forever if they hadn’t finally forced me to upgrade because they quit manufacturing it.
Classic ran on radio Frequency (RF) communications.
Dash runs on Bluetooth.
I can’t name many advantages of remaining on Dash over omnipod 5, other than I got to upgrade to that model for free because the upgrade was forced (they stopped manufacturing on classic). I’m not under contract because it was a forced upgrade. That always left me with an opportunity to upgrade, again, into Omnipod 5. That means that I have all three hardware models of pump that are potentially operational.
I don’t think anybody ever really liked dash much, so many people encouraged me to jump from classic → 5. Now the downsides of my decision have been revealed to me.
I also plan to run manual in 5, but the Doc doesn’t like to hear that so I don’t say it anymore directly. One thing that I don’t love about the 5 is that it is a single point of failure for both the pump and the Dexcom. Right now, I have a separate, independent Dexcom that I can still run if I fall back on manual injection.
I have maximum flexibility for how I want to operate the system because I own every model of hardware this way. But, flexibility comes with additional complexity/complications.
Given the option, I would just run Dash because I don’t have any desire to run another APS system at this time. Upgrading to 5 is simply a means to receive reliable pod access.
I spoke with HP and they were unable to produce a list of pharmacies that they have an agreement with to supply Dash pods. I think this stuff has been reclassified as Non-durable medical equipment (starting with the Dash receiver) about a year ago, and thus gets billed as “pharmacy benefit.” I don’t know if you can bill it any other way, but it’s definitely cheaper as pharmacy benefit. I’ve been told by distributors that they simply aren’t supplying them anymore. I don’t know if mail order is very practical in MN where temps are so cold that the hardware will likely suffer damage sitting out on the front step. But mail order might be possible.
Lets ask Brad if he has had any trouble getting pods. He’s still a looper. @BradP, have you have any trouble getting shipments of Dash pods? What are you gonna do when they stop manufacturing those? My Doc said that might be coming. He also thinks they will stop producing Dexcom 6 soon. Any word on this?
Also, I have discovered where the pharmacists congregate on their internet forums. We can ask them questions directly there, maybe. These guys ( have a secret internet forum here:
They want to be friends with the diabetics because of our mutual interest in sports like in PBM hunting.