I completed my first Olympic distance triathlon this past weekend, yay! My blood sugar management was not good, boo! Pre-race nerves got to me and I didn’t manage to get that in order before the race started. Normal breakfast, same insulin doses used in training, etc., but still started the race with a whopping 398. Took a unit (not enuf) right before the swim, and was still high in first transition. Let it ride, but kept basal rate at 100% instead of my usual 50-65%, had 2 shot blocks (16 g total) and plenty of water on the bike. Still high after T2, so another 1.5 units on the run, wound up at 122 after the race. Nice landing, but too late! Mid-mile 3 in the run, I started having leg cramps. First on top inside of knee, then outside of calves, then a small muscle on left shin that caused my foot to want to go a weird way. Could not get them to go away w/ several walk breaks, so they stayed with me until the end.
I’ve had occasional cramps in the water, but never on the run, and not in those particular muscles. Didn’t feel like I pushed it that much on the bike (heart rate supports that), though the course was a little more up and down than I train on. Don’t think it was a hydration issue. While I definitely could have done more bike/run bricks in training, I think my overall volume was sufficient. Gradual build and a couple of sprint tris since April/May timeframe, and month leading up: 324 miles biked, 101 miles run, 23,000 yds swam.
So two questions I wanted to ask the group for help on:
Could the high blood sugar have caused the cramping in and of itself or was it more likely a training deficiency of some kind (like not enuf bricks)?
How aggressively do you bolus to combat the pre-race nerves? When you saw that 398 prior to the swim, would you have bolused 50% of your norm to bring it down, or some other %? What is your pre-race routine that has served you well?