We (Max and Mom) are looking at switching from a minimed to an Omni pod. Max is 9yrs old and tired of being “tied down” to his pump- he thought that he wanted to go back to shots just so he didn’t have to be hooked up to the minimed all of the time. Once we consulted with his doc, we realized that pump therapy is the most effective for his overall health.
Max is currently wearing the trial omni pod (not loaded) to see if he likes it for the next couple of days. He has already knocked it on several chairs but all in all he says its good. My concern as Mom is that Max wants to play with the PDM because its a cool new gadget!
We are looking for anyone out there under the age of 18 that currently uses the Omni pod and/or has any experience or advice. Thanks!!!
hey. i will be getting the omnipod soon so i just wanted to let you know that they will soon be coming out with a smaller pod. before you get the omnipod, i would check with your insurance company and see if they will let you upgrade when the smaller pod comes out. idk when it will be realeased, but i thought that this information would be helpful. good luck!
my 8 year old son has worn the omnipod for nearly 2 years now. His endo wanted him on a pump within 6 months of diagnosis.we could not imagine having our very active on connected to two feet of tubing so there was no question about which pump we would use. We are very please d with the omnipod, the only negative we have found is our son has a reaction to the adhesive, everytime we remove a pod his skin will welt and itch and of course he scratches and scratches…it’s horrible. however all the pumps use the same adhesive so we would have the same problem with any other pump.
They are supposed to release a pod that is 40% smaller than the current one . When they do they will automatically ship the smaller pods to you just as they do the larger ones, no need for approval from the insurance.
As for your son playing with the pdm, we generally do not allow our son to keep it. It goes in his lunch box to school and the wonderful lady in the clinic doses him and puts it into his backpack to be brought home. Eventually he will have more control over it when we feel he is mature and responsible enough.
I had the omni pod for about 3 years before switching to animas. I had bad experences with the omni pod. The screen cracked or changed colors and after the 3rd time the company told up we had to by the next meter. When i had the omni pod though i would take a sharpie and draw on it if it was on my arm or leg,